Saved by a second wolf

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Niel ran cussing at this brat of a Quintin! Didn't he get enough hidings as a child!? He'll run right into an ambush!

Ahead Quintin collapsed and she came to a sliding halt next to him "You idi..." Something was wrong.

He bucked and grunted, just like hers she saw his ears become triangular to the top of his head, his tail also made its presence noticed, claws grew slightly longer than before, and Niel could see the material of his clothes stretch.

Was he shifting!? Here!? No, not yet, Quintin stood up again, saliva dripped from his mouth, his eyes not like the normal wolf, the whites completely black making his grey irises seem that much deeper.

"Hey!" She said but he only gave her a whipping snarl and dashed off at double the speed.

Niel didn't know what he was made into, or what he was becoming, it looked like a wolf but there was something just wrong with it! And he clearly had no control over it, she had to wait and see, or kill him, those where her options.

Ahead he heard the men still run, this was turning out to be loads of fun, one left and one right, who cares just take him! He dove into the back of the soldier and the two went over a crest, Quintin landed on top of him sliding on ice.

He remembers this! The ice again! He pushed and stomped the snow sled man and he broke through the ice screaming bubbles as he went below.

Quintin landed on the ice spreading his stance wide to prevent too much pressure, he turned to the last who fired at him, the bullets struck the ice and he also went under.

It reminded him of that time when Silvia saved him, Silvia, what would she think of him now? He felt the currant drag him but that animal was far from done, he slammed a claw into the ice to halt him against the currant, then like climbing a cliff side he pulled himself into the direction of where he saw that soldier last.

He felt against his back the riverbank then twisted and forces himself through the ice, one left! But Niel already had him sleeping in a pool of blood.

"He was mine!"

"Get a hang over yourself!"

"I am in control! You took my kill!"

"He nearly killed you!"

"You killed many back at that cabin! You're a greedy bitch!"

"Fuck you you insolent pup! You're the one who went after a fleeing man!"

"That's called a hunt right!?"

"No! Its murder!"

Quintin blinked "What?"

"Werewolves don't hunt humans you idiot!"

"Oh~! But they can shoot at us!?"


More and more of her words knocked him "They came for you!"

He took a step back but the cold water made him stagger forward, he looked at his hands, clawed sharp, but at that stage the cold started working on his body still in overdrive, not used to the strain it had a double effect making him fall shriveling.

"Hey!? What now?" Niel yelled.

It was so painful Quintin was shunted to silence, his jaws clattering violently.

"Get up! You have to get to the fire! Come!" She yelled grabbing his arm and lifting him over her shoulder "Geez you're a pain in the ass!" She said with a glare.

He only answered with his clattering.

She managed to get him to the fireplace and stacked it extra high, then removed his wet clothes until he was in his boxer shorts, laying him down in front if the fire she then covered him in the fur blankets, it helped, Quintin almost instantly felt the difference.

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