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This chapter is Dedicated to JustaFreakingBeign


A light blasted into his face making him flinch, all he could see was the smooth stainless steel table that seemed to intensify the brightness of the white orb just beyond it, Quintin groaned feeling his head spin from whatever they drugged him with, and the extra sharpness from the light didn't help.

Vaguely beyond it he saw movement from two figures, judging by body shape one was a man, one a woman, the man sat down across from him and his smooth shaven face came into view, the middle aged man placed a file down and opened it first, writing something then looked up.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Hell no man don't even know where I am!?" Quintin protested, the last memory he had was the stress for Silvia.

The man only wrote further but Quintin saw the woman come round and with a flash she took a picture of him, he jerked his head "The f... What the hell is going on here!?"

"Do you know this person..." The man asked lifting a photo, how could he forget those eyes.

"No? Why!?" He said, like he'll ever split on Silvia again.

"How about him?" He held Victor's photo up.


"Then what about her?" He held a new face up that Quintin definitely hasn't seen before, but those ice blue eyes made him think she might be Victor's Luna.


He placed the photos down then leaned back so Quintin couldn't see him behind the light any more "What where you doing with them then?" He asked.

"With who?"

"Those in the pictures!" He yelled with a bark.

"You're a delusional old fart!"

"Do you know why I'm asking you? Do you know why we want them?"

Quintin shrugged.

"Silvia Stirling, and Victor Ampheire, they are both werewolves"

Quintin knew that so it was easy to keep his poker face on, he lifted an eyebrow "Sir? Aren't you too old to be playing too much video games?"

He slammed his hand into the table and Quintin bounced on his chair.

"We've kept a close eye on you boy! You know them well!"

"What's it to you anyway!?"

He grunted sitting back, then brushed his mouth, it seems to Quintin if he exerts himself like that he struggles to keep his saliva in check, it made him shrill.

"This woman" he said lifting the Luna's photo.

"What about her?"

"She's the real target, we only know her as Luna... Studies show she might be the first of her kind"

"What? Eve was the first woma..." The man slammed the table again and he couldn't help bounce "Did you choose this table because it has such a nice bang when you hit it!?" Quintin yelled getting tired of it.

"What do you know of her!?"

Quintin leaned in "Fuck-ol!"

Another grunt from him earned Quintin freedom, he stood up and left, a door in the darkness slammed hard.

"Does he beat his wife like he beats this table? And that door?" Quintin blurted into the room, but he forgot the woman was still there, when she sat down he shook.

"Quintin... " she softly said.


"He's agitated ok, let me give you the reason we want Luna" she said.


"First of all, my name is Kai, odd name I know, but call me that, we work for Beingnoir, also an odd name, I know, we want to help man kind in any way possible, and that Luna might hold the key to adding at least sixty years to the life of your average human being"

"W, what you want to draw her blood? Use her as a test subject? Pff! Cruel if you ask me?"

She giggled "Oh no, not a test subject, we want to approach her with this idea, we want to partner with her"

"Then what?"

She sighed and shrugged "Ok so we'll need a little bit of her blood, honesty keeps the hidings away right?"

"And white lies never killed anyone" he said making her smile.

"That so?"

"Unless you call white lies ice... Ice will always lie, you might think its safe, until you step on it and fall through"

Her smile didn't fade "Like the ice you fell into?"

"Wow aren't you people nosy!?"

"Yes, well not nosy, maybe well informed"

Quintin realised something, there is a snitch in Victors pack, this is the only way they could know of what happened this well, if only Quintin could warn him.

"Never really trusted a scaly organization, why... Never mind"

"Why hide?" She finished his sentence making him nod.

"We still need to keep them secret you know, don't want the KTM to come after us, or even the Omer organization"

"Oh? So if the both of them are willing to come kick the doors of this place down, it means you're 'really' sketchy, super illegal, and as for that I'm keeping my trap shut"

She gave another sigh "Oh well, the good cop bad cop routine has failed then, plan B" she said and stood up.

"Wait, what's plan B!?"

Her smile widened to a way Quintin felt a little uncomfortable with "Torture of course"

He erected his back "You're joking right?"

Kai said nothing and left the room.
Quintin sat back again, his breathing escalated, 'Torture?' They wouldn't right? Despite the scaly setup over here he would agree to his 'Humane' heart that there wouldn't be something like torture, its a crime against humanity, its, wrong!

The lights of the room suddenly went on and he blinked, 'Yep' classic mirror glassed interrogation room, just as he thought, but then a prick in his shoulder made him shout slapping at it, it was too late though, what ever was in that injection, was now coursing through his veins.

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