My fear is...

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Heart attack! Heart attack! Heart at-tack-! Quintin begged his heart to stop and end this nightmare but the wounded white wolf got plowed down right in front of him, he brought his gaze back to see the black pelt and ice blue eyes "Victor! Dammit am I glad to see you!"

The white wolf got torn apart then the victorious wolf stood upright, Quintin blinked seeing something off about it, it lacked... Size, and apart from that its chest sported something he blushed away from.

"What are you still doing here boy!?" She harfed at him.

Quintin clearly heard that female pitch "Fuck! Are you the Luna!?"

"You chose a bad night to come for a stroll!" She looked to her right, her ears rose, but Quintin saw what she was trying to pinpoint with those large ears.

"Look out-!!"

She couldn't duck in time and the other wolf had her from high in the sky, Quintin couldn't believe from where it came, somewhere, it was one bound!

He shook holding his hands, seeing the Luna struggle to get this other wolf off her back, but then another wolf came and struck that one, rolling away with it in a maul.

Quintin felt shock, it was Silvia, now locking claws with that other bigger male, and she was losing!

"Luna!" He screamed.

She got to a knee and glanced over, Silvia was on her back, that thing had its jaws over her neck "No! Silvia no-!" He screamed but fear didn't allow him to move.

To his relief this time Victor came to her aid and tore the other wolf up effortlessly, Silvia remained down, Quintin had it with fear! He gathered himself and ran to her, sliding on his knees over "Silvia... Silvia!?"

She wheezed and held her throat.

"Oh shit thank God!"

"You must get out of here Quintin" Victor said.

"What's going on!? I thought this is your territory? I thought you're the only pack?"

"Where supposed to be, this is an invading clan"

"Silvia's old one?"

"No..." She said rising herself "This is a new one, I've never seen them before"

Quintin looked at Victor who was assessing the back of his Luna "Three packs then?"

"The world is large Quintin, who knows how much more is there?"

Silvia rose to her feet next to him and coughed.

"Are you ok?" He asked and she nodded.

"We're going back in, we need to drive them out, Silvia make sure he gets to safety" Victor said and leapt away with his Luna.

Silvia was properly breathless, she glanced at him then shyed away when she saw his worried face "I'm ok"

"You sure? You took quite a beating"

"I am, let's go, I'll take you back to your house then I must return, they need me"

She said walking off, he trotted after her "But! I... I don't want you to go back... What if they kill you!?" Quintin yelled up to her, he saw her ears sag only.


"Its part of being a wolf, if I abandon the pack I'll be casted out, a betrayer, then no pack will ever accept me again, and on top of that, Victor will kill me if he finds me then, so I can't even run away"

"This is bullshit!"

"I won't die!" She said loudly and he held his next words "I'll, come back, I promise..." She suddenly looked up, the clouds covered the moon and she gave a little wine.

"What now? What's with the wine!?" He asked.

"Turn around!" She said quickly.

"What!?" He saw her shrink slowly, the fur over her body retracting, he got the idea and flung away.

Not long he stood listening to that soft human voice panting.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The clouds, moved in front of the moon" she said taking a deep gasp of air.

"So, you're..."

He heard a soft giggle from her "Yes, I have no clothes on, so stay like that"

He wouldn't disrespect her in any case, so he just patiently waited for her to catch her breath.

"Tell me?" She asked "Would you ever forget me?"

"Of course not"


Why did Quintin get a bad feeling about this "Don't say things like that"


"I'll never forget you Silvia! Why do you even ask?"

The crunching in the snow told his ears she was now on her feet.

"At least one nice guy comes my way, I'd like him to remember me... Close your eyes"


"Just clos'em!"

He blinked but shut them tight "Ok?"

He heard her footsteps come around in the snow to his front, he kept them shut, he knew what he would see should he look now.

He felt her hands clasp his cheeks, but her thumbs where in his eyes, then her lips met his.

Quintin reached out and grabbed her bare shoulders, he felt it, she was saying goodbye, and something drove him to draw her into his chest.

Still with her hands over his eyes she whispered "Its not only that I'm a wolf that makes me do this, its because of my fear... One day I'll taste human blood, and I can't live with the thought of hunting you"

"Silvia please..."


She kissed him again then he felt the bare skin of her back slip as she pushed herself away from him "Thank you, for being a friend Quintin"

When her hands came off his eyes he looked not caring of what he will see, but she vanished again.

"Silvia!?" He yelled looking up, maybe she jumped, maybe she ducked in behind a tree!? Or a rock, but not! Quintin could never figure out how she did it!

Scanning the moonlit forest he saw her a wolf again standing on the edge of a tree line, her ears drug back, eyes sorry.

"No..." He said softly, he knew she would hear him, but she turned and disappeared between the trees.

He eventually made it back to his house, but the thought of her dying tonight haunted him, he wasn't tired, no matter the time, he wanted to wait for her there on the couch, until she knocked again when the sun was up, he knew she would knock, he prayed she would.

There was a soft sting in his neck and he slapped at it, but taking out the little dart made him frown, and then pass out.

Author's Note:

Ok I hate cliffhangers so sorry for the second one, but this is a turnaround in the story, I'm going to expand it a little.

But I'm not saying anything hehe.

Thanks again for reading.

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