Human factor

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Quintin didn't care about the coup she just pulled, whatever opportunity he got he was going to take, he flipped off the bed but fell face first into the tile floor.

"Come on boy!" Kai said as she flared the pistol around "One of you dare make any sudden movements and its tickets! You hear!?"

The lot nodded watching her grab Quintin by his collar and drag him to his feet, as they walked out of the room an alarm sounded almost immediately.

"What's that!?" Quintin yelled trying his best to keep up with the hand dragging him.

"That's obviously an alert kid!"

"Don't tell me for us!?"

"No, a dinosaur just escaped here, we should be careful"

Quintin gave her a blank glance.

"Of course its for us" She sighed.

"Halt!" A voice came from behind but Kai bent her elbow and fired over her shoulder, Quintin was the one who looked back and saw the man's head jerk with a spurt of blood.

"In the head! You got him in the friggin head and you weren't even looking!"

"Shush! I need to focus!"

"Terminator two I'm telling you!"

"I said quiet!" Kai yelled but there was suddenly a wall of men in the hall making her freeze "Shit"

"Does this mean we're busted?"

Kai lifted the pistol and threw it down.

"Guess that's a yes"

"I always knew I had a rat in my organization" Donovan said coming through the men "Just never thought it would be you Kai"

She sighed with a groan "I'm not a rat, I just got tired of this nonsense"

"That so? So you betrayed us then?"

"Maybe, if you want to be sure ask that man back there with the hole in his head, he knows the truth"

Donovan looked past her at the dead guard, then grunted "Lock them both up!" He said waving at the men.

"Ah man, I thought I was about to see the last of this place" Quintin said as they cuffed him.

"You and me both" Kai answered holding her hands out.

They threw them mercilessly into a jail cell an slammed it shut.

"Don't get comfortable here Bonny and Clyde, you won't be here for long" Donovan said leaving.

Quintin got up and watched the gate, then looked at Kai who took a seat on a bed "Ok, you clearly didn't plan this did you?"

"Obviously not, I didn't even have time to plan"


She looked up at him, now with her up close and not in some dark room he saw some sort if resemblance in her, in fact, its not even a resemblance.


"I'm not Hali, my name is Kai, and I did it because they force bad shit on you kid"

"What bad, shit?"

"Let's just say, if a wolf bites you I hear its an extremely agonising thing, your first shift lasts for three says... And only if you survive you become a wolf"


"Remember a human body is just that, you have been created to be human, now suddenly a foreign body comes and like some mad scientist rips you apart from the inside and turns you into something else"

Quintin swallowed, he wondered how Silvia must have felt.

"Now what they wanted to do, is inject you with that harvested wolf venom"

"Where did they even find it?"

"Obviously from a werewolf, are you just pretending to be rational?" She asked him with a frown.

"Ok, no need to slap me with that!"

"Thing is..." She looked to the cuffs on her wrists "The venom is harvested, then frozen to save it for experiments... When the venom is then unfrozen to use its entire make up is different, its aggravated, almost hostile, we injected a mouse with it and the venom killed it, by taring it apart with its own body"

"W-were... mouse?"

"It didn't work!"

"Ok. So this Donovan wanted to inject me with that shit!?"

"Well... We kept digging, testing, all sorts of things went into it, and we found if the venom is first mixed with blood, its almost like it calms..."

Quintin panicked "Oh, so they figured it out?"

"Not entirely, the venom is still unstable, and, we have two assumptions of what could happen if they inject you with it"

He sat down, but at the edge of the bed.

"One it could kill you as we suspect, or two it will make you become a werewolf, but, a mindless thing basically, a forced shift, you will change into something much more brutal and you'll be insane, not even an animal"

He fell back but forgot his small the bed is and hit his head "Ow... How!? He said he wanted to do something that can make me obey!? How can a mindless beast obey then!?" He yelled praying not to go through that.

"The human factor..." She said coldly making him swallow.

"Humans that become werewolves seek out other humans... They'll probably place a choker or a bracelet on you with the venom, if you disobey, its either death or that"

"Ok..." He saw now how evil man kind can be, why didn't Silvia or Victor just bite him... Never mind "Then, why did they strap me to that table? If they wanted to blackmail me with the venom?"

"The test was we inject you with a very small amount, hourly, slowly and subtly changing you"

"It will still be painful right?"

"Yes, and you slowly go insane"

Quintin stood up and paced up and down, but Donovan appeared again with two riflemen and opened the gate "Come"

He slowly approached.

"Both of you"

Quintin looked back at Kai's shocked face "Why me?" She asked.

"I gave it some thought, you're a highly trained operative, well test if the venom works on little Quintin here, if it does only then do we use it on you, meaning what ever you become would be much deadlier than what he becomes"

The both of them gasped.

"I'm sorry" he said to her.

"Don't apologize, it was my decision to try help you"

Author's Note:

Hmm, I'm wondering how I should write the next chapter? Let the two of them go through that experiment? Or let some sort of hero come save them in time?

You guys are awesome, thanks for the read.

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