Blood and Claws

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The day went by with chatter and hot chocolate, Quintin could decide now for himself that Silvia is just a normal girl after all, and her days spent in her lonesome shone through, she had ample things to talk about.

He didn't once ask her about her other half, deciding that she can open up herself, for now he just wanted to sit and listen to her talk.

As night fell she stood up, Quintin saw her look out the window, lift her sleeve and start scratching her bare skin.

"You ok?" He asked.

She smiled to him "I feel the moon, its coming early tonight"

He stood up as well "You, feel it?" He asked seeing her still scratching.

"It tingles my skin and makes it itch... It will eventually be scratched off remember?" She said shyly.

"Makes, sense" he said and swallowed as lightly as possible, he didn't want her to see he was uncomfortable.

"Would you mind? Walking me in?"

"Into where?"

"The forest?"

He gave a chuckle "Your alpha commanded me to stay"

She giggled waving "Not all the way, just for a bit?"

"I can agree to that" he said and followed her out.

As the sky was still somewhat lit orange Quintin couldn't help be baffled that she was right, on the other side of the stary spectrum the moon was only peeking over the mountain.

"You're good at this aren't you?"

She saw his eyes out to that white light in the sky "Oh, yeah, its purely a wolf thing"

"So, what did you do before you? You know? Got bitten?"

Her smile vanished "I was, in a bad spot, drugs you know? I'd dare say that wolf that bit me kinda saved me from that life... But, I can't help thinking of what my mother would have said if she knew? She tried everything to help me"

"Have you seen your mother after?"

"No, I wasn't allowed to"


There was a moment of silence but then she slapped his chest making him bark surprised.

"What!? Is there a wolf!?"

She was hysterical "No!" She said between giggles "I'm going in now, you should turn back"

He blushed "Geez I'm such a wuss hey?"

She laughed louder "No! I enjoy how easily you spook, and your reaction afterwards is even more impressive"


"Your ability to survive, you don't freeze and die, you run... And attempt to stay alive..." She shrugged "I admire that"

"I like you n'all, but you're weird Silvia" he said and she gave a last hand clasped giggle.

"See you tomorrow ok?" She said backing away from him with puppy like eyes.

"Yeah, see you then"

"Remember to put away the shotgun next time" she called from a distance.

"Yeah, I can't shoot something else in that house right?" He called back.

He saw her smile one more time, then she got swallowed by the darkness in the distance.

Now he felt lonely, spending the entire day with her made him learn about her, but that wolf side of her is still vastly unexplored, and deep in him he felt not brave enough to touch into that world of hers.

He slowly turned around and started slowly strolling back, if he and she had to continue this relationship, and it would to become more, would this be the routine? He walks her off to the forest every night of the moon, like a normal couple would have the wife walk her husband to the bus stop?

He looked up and saw the sky was cloudy, the stars sat between them like astral rivers, the moon like a light tower guiding lost ships, how those heavens meant so much more to him now knowing Silvia, her secret world covered by this sight of unrivaled beauty...

A blow sent him flying and crashing into the snow, his heart felt like it could stop when he flew up and saw a brawl between at least ten werewolves, but it was messy, bloody and ugly, the very noise of the taring flesh and crunching bones had him sick to his stomach, regardless he panicked, thinking heartbreakingly what if Silvia is within that mauler of claws and fangs!? Can she handle this!?

He backed away slowly, fear like anchors around his ankles, he couldn't dare to run! Or is it... Is it because he fears for Silvia now? What about Victor!? Is he in this!?

The ball of flesh taring scattered with one group chasing another off deeper into the woods, one lied still, Quintin could figure by now it wasn't Victor, neither was it Silvia, this wolf despite being painted red had a white coat.

He flinched when it got to its feet slowly, spitting blood and growling, then its yellow eyes came on him, shimmering in the moonlight, the lips drew back further, the ears flattened, Quintin would have opted for suicide now.

What now...

Does he run? Does he... What can he do? There's no escape!

It roared and launched, Quintin felt his life flash before his eyes.

Author's Note:

Eheh! Broke up some of the smooching with that didn't I?

Hope I satisfied the entire scene, I'm trying all sorts of ways to explain as much of what's happening but writing not too much of it.

Thanks for the support!!

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