I need to apologize

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The early morning knock on the door made Quintin jerk and pull both triggers, the shotgun boomed away but the power of both barrels going off allowed the shotgun to recoil into his crotch, Quintin squealed folding over.

He lied on the ground assessing his painful situation, somewhere last night he did fall asleep on that couch, his eyes went up to assess the damage of is accidental discharge, the trophy moose of his dad took a second bullet, only buckshot this time, it was mangled, the horns hung but one dropped, powder residue and fiberglass rained from up there.

He got up walking with his hands pinning the agony and opened the door, Silvia stood with her hand on her mouth "What did you shoot at?" She asked bewildered.

He felt his heart lighten to see her as a human again "I, accidentally let the shotgun go off" he said backing in so she could see the blown open moose face.

Her hand still on her lips "With a shotgun?"

"Uh, yip"

She looked at his squeamish face and then saw his hands in his lap "Are you ok?"

"The recoil scored liberty on me"

She giggled but her eyes widened when Hali came into the room aiming her pistols.

Quintin grabbed Silvia and drew her against him, blocking her smaller frame with his body.

"Move kid!"

"Over my dead body!"

"We talked about this!"

"Look for yourself Hali! Does this face spell evil to you!?" He screamed turning only so that Hali could only see Silvia's terrified eyes.

"Evil has many faces!"

"Back off! Dammit woman!"

"Enough!" Victor said coming in slowly, his eyes on Hali the whole time "Don't you think its time we put this to rest?"

"Seriously? Am I hearing an Alpha disregarding the consequences of a bitten wolf?"

"She's in my pack, we don't resort to violence, this omega saved Quintin twice from death, doesn't that tell you something?"

"Victor, I heard enough"

"And so have I! Are you this hell bent because of what happened between us!?"

Hali lifted the pistols, Quintin saw that hit a soft spot.

"I..." She holstered the weapons and left with haste past them out the door.

Silvia pushed Quintin away, her hand clutching her nose, she shook her head and also ran out.

Finally the two friends had an opportunity to face each other.

"Surprise!" Victor said waving his hands.

"Surprise my ass Victor I nearly crapped myself!"

Victor bellowed with that contagious laugh "You shoulda seen your face!"

"What the hell bro! You're pretending this is ok!?"

"Well your girlfriend is a werewolf so how bad can your best friend werewolf be right?"

"Why does everyone say she's my girlfriend!? And she's actually ok as a wolf! You man! You're the stuff of nightmares!"

Victor folded his arms "Yeah, I'm pretty bad ass ain't I?"

"Badass enough to make me haul ass outa there!" Quintin said but they both are semi in chuckles now, he looked at the door where Silvia ran out but Victor took him by his shoulder.

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