I'd like to report...

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The Alpha... Silvia had to keep her lips tightly sealed not to expose the drool over her gums as he slowly approached her.

The biggest werewolf she ever met, but only her second alpha, the first pack she had wanted her dead, or more precisely the Luna, Silvia winked at her previous alpha one too many times, and that signed her death warrant, Silvia had no choice but to flee.

Now in her second pack she held her in, behind her new alpha stood his Luna unfortunately, both had pitch black magnificent coats shining white where the moon touched it, her eyes grey, his a drool inducing indigo, but what chance did she have of ever landing an alpha like him? She was but a...

"Bitten wolf! What are you doing? Meddling with a human boy?" He said in a deep rumbling voice, Silvia was fighting her urge to slurp at that as well.

She was balled in, low, her ears drawn playfully back, not to the sides in submission. His last stride set next to her with a 'thud' she felt under her paws, if he wasn't stalking, those normal strides would make one believe the rumor that this alpha weighed over three hundred kilograms, he was a titan.

"He, showed sympathy, he's fun"


She shriveled.

"I've been here with my pack for years! We keep to ourselves! Now you jeopardise our secrecy because its fun!?"

Her playfully drawn back ears finally submitted sideways.

"I took you in because you were lost! Hunted by your previous pack! Don't you dare disrespect my order to stay away from humans!"

"Y, yes alpha"

"He saw you shift right?"

"Yes alpha"

"Then, go to him and find out how stuck he is to your wolf, if he wants to make people believe, then you will kill him"

She felt a sorrow come over her "Y, yes alpha"

"If you fail... Then you know the consequences" he said turning away.


Quintin flew upright, the vision of that catapult the last thing he saw, but he was now back in his room again, and again, dressed warmly.

He darted his eyes expecting Silvia but there sat Victor with an angry glare "Didn't I tell you to stay put?"


"Of course!? Who did you expect!? Santa clause?"

"I, I came looking for you!"

"And I was looking for you! Luckily I came to the lake just in time to see you speed demon over it again, how many times must you bugger into that ice before you learn your lesson!?"

"I, I well..." Could he tell him about that wolf? "Sorry then"

"You better be! I was worried sick" Victor said and stood up "I think let's stay out of the forest for a while hey?"

"Now you're talking"

"Guess the only thing left then is to go buy some spam since our hunt was a bust"

Quintin staggers when he got up.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, just a bit sore"

"That makes sense! You dove through the ice cap this time, how does it feel to be a human cannonball?"

Quintin laughed "Its not fun"

Heading into town again the morning sun brought calmness to Quintin, the moon now? He saw it in a different perspective, what would Vic say of that? Probably just slap his shoulder and say 'You play too much video games'

"Hey, I need an energy drink" Quintin said after a while of walking, he handed Victor a note "Go to that shop quick and get us some, I'm quickly running to the post office to mail my parents, they'll kill me if I don't report in every now and then"

Victor laughed "Yeah sure, go save yourself buddy" he said and took the note.

Quintin went to the post office, but instead he entered the door next to it.

"Sheriff Dennis, I need to report something" he said thinking a clear minded sheriff is the best person to speak to about this.

"Hey Quintin, glad to see you're ok?"

"Thanks" a small town like this? Nothing gets by really "In the forest, last night, I saw a werewolf"

He sat there wide eyed "A werewolf you say?"

"Yes, it chased me, for a bit..."

The man's face spelled nothing at first, but then he broke with laughter "Kid! You play too much video games"

'Oh, so this town really is too small'

"But, I swear! I eve..." He wanted to say he saw Silvia shift, but then the idea came that out of pure terror they will hunt her down, and kill her, he couldn't allow that, so in stead he decided he'll talk to her first, maybe he really was hallucinating.

Going into a pretend he hung his head "Uh, yeah, maybe you're right sir, I saw three wolves last night and panicked, they look much larger up close"

Dennis waved a hand "They do, wolves are big son, and I know you're afraid of them, go home and relax, you've been through a lot"

"Thanks sir, have a nice day" Quintin said and left.

Dennis brushed his lips then picked up his phone, after the dial he sat back "Yeah, Dennis here, I heard something just now I thought you might be interested in..."


Quintin met up with Victor who threw him a can of dragon "Thanks man"

"No prob, you sent the letter?"

"Yeah, hopefully they get it..." He said but stopped when he saw Silvia stand down the road in front of a bakery.

"What?" Victor asked but saw Silvia "Oh, that freaky girl again hey?"


Victor looked at him, then at her, their eyes were connected but not one of them moved "Well? You like her?"

"U, I uh~!"

"That's a yes, go then" he said pushing Quintin towards her but he dug his heels in.

"No man, no!"

"Come on, she won't bite your head off!"

'That's exactly what he was afraid of!' He subconsciously shouted.

"Just go Quintin come on! When was the last time you showed interest in a girl anyway? You're a geek!"

"Look who's talking!"

"Just go!" Victor gave him a hard shunt and he staggered forward, with no real option he went over, she clearly stood waiting for him.

"Hi" she cheerfully said.

"Uhm, hi there"

"Please follow me quickly" she said and disappeared around a corner into an alley.

Quintin glanced at Victor who had a hand on his mouth and flicking his fingers 'You're in for it now buddy!' Was the sign language.

Quintin only flipped him off and followed her.

Author's Note:

He he! Big Vic ain't dead yet.

Thanks for reading.

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