Terms of Agreement

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She stood with her hands behind her back, at least she was thickly dressed, Quintin worried he'd have fantasies about her should she have dressed otherwise.

"Do you now understand what I meant by... 'Can you keep a secret?"

"Well... That was a shock, to be honest, just to be sure, I did see right, right?"

She nodded making him take a step back "Holy shit"

She giggled "Now, the terms of our agreement"

"What agreement?"

"You agree to keep me a secret, and I'll agree not to kill you"

He gasped "Th, that's pretty straightforward!"


He ducked and looked to the entrance.

"Now, I want to hear it now" she said "Say something like 'I don't know if I can' and I'll twist your neck right here"

He gave a shrieked laugh "Shait! Just like that!?"

"You saw how far I could jump yesterday right? My strength is still far superior to anyone my size, I can do it, its no biggy, think about it? Then you don't have to carry that burdening secret with you all the time?"

"Ok ok! Geez I'll do it! Enough with the threats!"

Her eyebrows lifted "Didn't mean to threaten you, I'm just protecting what I am, if I get discovered they will come and kill me"

He sighed "I, I figured that much"

She smiled softly, Quintin found that a different face for the first time, she never gave it that sweetly, it was always that wicked one.

"So, if you're asking me now to keep your secret, why did you allow me to see you? You know?"

"I was bored, really"


"Yes, I saw you wandering off into the dark, like you weren't supposed to by the way, so I revealed my secret to you"

"So you did try and kill me back there?"

"No, I was playing with you, remember I told you you're a good runner"

He felt uncomfortable "Well, ok then, I think I'll just stay out of the forest ok?"

She tilted her head "Then who will I play with?"

He shook his head "Not like that, ok? So you go about your life, I'll go about mine, let's forget about this"

She finally expressed sadness "So? You don't want to be my friend? Doesn't boys like werewolves?"

How odd was that question? He knew she had ziltch friends, not even zero, everyone found her to be this, freak, but she had a soul, she was playful, she could laugh, she's just normal, like this in front of him he would have never in a million guesses guessed she's a werewolf.

"Is, this why you don't have friends?" He asked that sensitive question, by which she nodded.

"That's harsh, why? You seem ok enough?"

She smiled "Its better to keep such a dire secret from people when you're alone"

He felt for her, and it made him feel like a prick "You, saved me from the ice" he said touching his lips, her face went red.

"I did"


"No biggy"

Both of them blushed remembering the moment their lips touched but she wove a hand wide "It was just CPR ok! That's it!"

"Yeah! Yeah you're right! Just CPR!"

Both of them laughed "Very well, I'll be your friend, ok Silvia?"

She shyed away "Thank you"

He turned slowly to leave but for some reason he felt like discovering the best kept secret known to man kind, in the form of a girl like Silvia, was probably the best thing that happened to him.

"You're pretty you know" he said and dashed off not giving her chance to reply, she placed her hands on her cheeks, the first time anyone has ever said it to her.


Victor was patiently waiting for him when he jogged up to him, he saw Quintin's blushed face.

"Bro! It's like, twenty meters, you can't be that red from a twenty meter jog? You kissed her didn't you!?"

"I did not!"

"Look at your face bro! Denial won't save you this time! You two took ages in that alley! Probably sucked her tongue out didn't ya!?"

"I didn't frikkin kiss her man!"

Victor saw Silvia come out with a broad blushed smile, then left the other way.

"Yes!" He yelled pumping a fist "My Buddy had his first kiss!"

"Dude! I didn't kiss the woman come on man!"

Victor was laughing hysterically, he slapped Quintin's shoulder and drew him under his arm "This calls for a celebration! I'm getting booze at my house"

"I can't drink man! My parents said I'm dead if they find out!"

"They don't have telescopic vision! They can't see all the way from Haiti man! Let it go!"

"What if they phone me!? Heh!? And I'm drunk!? They will instantly notice, be on the first plane home! Then I'll stand a better chance between all those wolves in the forest!"

Victor smiled at him "Your options are limited hey?"

"No shit!"

"Oh well, congratulations in any case buddy"

Quintin snorted "How many times do I have to say I didn't kiss her!?"

Victor only laughed him off.

Author's Note:

Some new characters coming into the next chapter, hope you're prepared for this!

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