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We went in the ocean naked and had a lot of sex after Kenji drove me about the island for an hour or so.

I'm content. We're content. And anytime I'm around him, I can't stop grinning like an idiot because he makes me the happiest I've ever been.

Oh, how I wish my parents were here right now to see me. They'd be ecstatic to see how far I've progressed. It's also great to be around him. He's not one to pass judgment.

He adores me for who I am. With all of my imperfections. He isn't attempting to change anything about me, and I am not attempting to change him. We're not repairing each other.

We agreed not to try to solve one other's problems, but rather to listen and support one another.

He has no idea he has been there for me and has saved me without even realizing it. He doesn't give himself much credit.

We're both serial killers. So he's not attempting to tell me what I'm doing is bad, and I'm not telling him what he's doing is bad. It's as though we were born to be together.

Accepting one another as we are. We're both scarred, but we're still alive. Even though he is usually very busy when we get to the estate, he still finds time for me.

Also has plenty of time to have sweaty sex with me. I adore him in a suit. I think that's such a turn-on because he looks so good.

I put on a black elegant nightdress after showering and shaving practically every part of my body for the dinner reservations Kenji made.

After curling my hair, I leave it open and apply some make-up. I pull out my phone and take a picture of myself sending it to Maximo and Evelyn, revealing my ring.

Massimo Facetime calls me very immediately. I chuckle because I know his reaction will be priceless. I pick up the phone and Evelyn is right next to him.

"Bitch, did you just get engaged?" they both exclaim at the same time as I lower my phone's volume. "Yes!! I burst out laughing as I show them the ring.

"Mama mia, it's so beautiful; I wish I could be there to witness it." Evelyn sighs. To be honest, I wish that had been caught on camera.

"Can you tell me when your dick appointment is?" Massimo winks once and then ten times, he does every time he senses something is about to happen. It gives the impression that he's suffering a seizure.

"Shut up, stronzo, that's none of your business," Evelyn taps the back of his head, and I applaud her. "I placed red underwear in ur luggage, be sure to wear it tonight," She smirks.

Translation: Asshole.

As a result, Kenji requested Evelyn to make me a bag. It's no surprise that I saw so much, including b plan, condoms, and additional panties.

"Sure." I roll my eyes. "Did I tell you that we damaged two of Kenji's cars?" Massimo exclaims vehemently. If there's one thing Kenji loves more than Me, it's his cars.

I notice Kenji in the doorway, resting against it with his hands across his chest, looking at me with lust, but when he hears what Massimo said, his expression changes to fury.

I was ready to inform Massimo, but Kenji tells me to keep quiet and let him continue his sentence.

"How so?" I inquire seeming to be concerned. "So basically the family is back from Newyork and me, the twins, and Evelyn wanted to go partying so we took different cars,"

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