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Tw; Panic attack & blood.

My vision gradually returns as I become more aware of the darkness that surrounds me. The pain in my head is unbearable. I try to move, but my hands and legs are both chained.

They fucked up and dumped me here. What do I expect from people like them? They are only concerned about themselves. More reasons to keep them at the top of my hit list.

Someone enters through the metal door. But because it's dark, I can't see who it is. The footsteps creep closer and closer until they're right in front of me.

"Greetings, dear father," I say. I try to attack, but the chains keep me from doing so. Kenji is revealed when the bulb opens.

"Athena Vlad. or should I say, Athena Vladimir?" He laughs heartily. "You were behaving as if you didn't know what you were doing." He keeps going. But, even if I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't respond.

I didn't know.

"So, what was your plan, huh? luring us in, then murdering us all with your father? Was that your intention?" He spits on the floor. I keep quiet and don't say anything. "Answer me!" He yells punching the wall.

"You're getting all worked up over nothing." I scoff."You're a liar, Athena, In the same way as your father." He has such a hateful expression on his face when he stares at me. "I am a cold-blooded killer and a monster, but I am not a liar." I retort with a snap.

"And why should I believe anything you say?" He expresses his desire to grow closer. "He will come for me and you know it," I smirk. "Let him come," he declares.

"You have no idea what true torture is. You've spent your entire life trapped within a bubble." I snicker, and he raises an eyebrow at me as if to challenge me. "I've been going easy on you. But now I'll demonstrate the true torment." He knocks twice on the door, and four guards enter.

"Take her to the private room,"  he smirks evilly at me, exiting the dungeon. The guards arrive and remove the chains, but they are armed with a taser. I don't have the strength to fight back.

They toss me into yet another dimly lit chamber. Is this how he defines a private room? As they switch on the lights, I hear the door locks. I'm surrounded by mirrors.


"Don't leave me in here!" I scream as I leap to my feet and slam the door. I scream as my chest constricts. It's occurring once more.

"Look at us, Athena." I close my eyes and ears screaming, "look at what you've done to us." The voice said again.

It's not real. It's not real.

"Athena, you did it. You're a maniac." The voice continues to repeat itself. Every time I hear it, it gets louder. Put a halt to it. "Please open the door and help me!" I shout and sob.

"Take a look at us!" It grows louder, and I slowly lower my hands, opening my eyes and gaze in the mirror. "That's right. You're a monster. Take a look at yourself and what you've done to us! Now hit us!" It screams.


My chest constricted, causing a limp to form in my throat. My knees and hands are trembling as I try to force a breath, but I can't; it's as if someone is strangling me.

"Hit us!" It snarls much louder. I get up, trembling, and start striking the mirror, breaking it and forcing my knuckles to bleed, yet I'm not in any pain.

"You're dying," a voice in my head said. "This is what death feels like, and you're going to die alone." I keep punching the mirrors.

"Your worthless."


"A killer."


I slowly sank to the floor. I don't know how much time passed before I was able to get up and steady myself.

examine my bloodied hands and feet, which are the result of stepping on glass. When I stared at the shattered glass, my vision blurred.

I became hot and sweaty all of a sudden, so hot and sweaty that I removed my shirt. My heart seemed to be pounding even quicker and harder than before. To relax, I tried taking a big breath, but my breaths were harsh and shallow.

My vision got darker and narrower and looked kaleidoscopic.

I started laughing hysterically all of a sudden. I'm laughing and slamming my fist into the glass beneath me. Everything was hilarious. I gripped the glass tightly in my fingers and burst out laughing.



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