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I don't flinch or show weakness as he moves closer, letting out a deep chuckle. "Are you still holding grudges, Ms.Vlad?" You have no idea.

He doesn't seem to be terrified or bothered in any way; in fact, he looks utterly calm.

When I remain silent, he completes, "You know you can't kill me, I'm just as smart as you are, after all, we trained together." Liar.

"However, I must say that you have a reputation for killing people for no apparent reason; tell me, Athena, do you enjoy hurting people?" He leans against the frame of the door.

I do.
I don't answer, he's attempting to get into my head. He expects a response, but he won't receive it.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" He murmurs under his breath. It's now my chance to play games, so "let's get this chitchat over with, I'm only here for one thing, and I'm going to get it," I say.

I want his head.

"I'd like to see you try." He smirks at me, wanna play a game Kenji? Two can play.

"You want it rough, huh?"He went into his walk-in closet and emerged seconds later with two swords, and handed me one.

He was smiling. I hated how he showed his perfect teeth, but I couldn't reach him. I'd have to close the distance if I wanted to strike. Kenji was waiting for me to try, so he could step into his range; He didn't fear me.

We stared at one another for a long time – the only motion between us were his tests. He raised his sword or stepped his lead foot up to gauge a reaction. I gave him small reactions.

He was looking me in the eye. I looked him in the chest. I had to stay focused on myself. Mind games would be too risky given my disadvantages. Again, he stepped a foot in but this time more boldly.

He was trying to train me not to fear his step. I bit down on my impulse to pull back and acted as if I had frozen. It was the reaction he wanted, but I gave it to him on purpose.

He laughed as he took a rushing step in and tried to leave my head. Ready for it, I leaped away and swung the oar in a flat arc. Its blade landed flush with his ribs. Nothing's more satisfying than making a clean hit with a blunt instrument. I could hammer nails all day.

"Kenji, did you leave me too soon? I give him a wicked grin, figuring he'll be able to beat me. This is something I've been preparing for my entire life.

The sound of our swords clashing is enough to make me rush with adrenaline, he comes in for the kill.

He deceives me by striking from the left, but strikes from the right, slashing his sword against my arm, forcing me to wince and back up

You wanna play dirty? I'll show you dirty.

I let go of my sword, and he gives me a doubtful look before letting go of his as well; fuck swords, I'll murder you with my bare hands if I have to.

The closest to me tries to stab me in the ankle with a combat knife. I prevented it by holding the butt of the rifle and swinging it into his thrusting arm. He growls back at me in contempt, as he tries to recover from the blow for a second attempt.

Slamming my left foot down on his arm, pinning it to the metal floor beneath. His teeth bared like a wild animal, as he aggressively tries to free his arm. Hitting me in the knee with his free hand. Dropping to a kneel from the building pain with each swift blow.

My injured joint slams hard into his chest winding him. Slamming the butt of the rifle down onto his throat, crushing his windpipe. Raising to my feet once more, only to be pelted by another a few meters down.

Son of a bitch, that hurts! This new jackass had hit me with a few rounds from a fifteen mil. Staggering as the large caliber bullets hit me hard. Growling through gritted teeth, forcing my battered body toward him. Keeping an eye on my target as he fumbles for a fresh magazine.

Throwing my rifle at him since he is still too far away. Barely had the full mag halfway into the heel of the pistol when it hit him. Glancing off of his body with a dull thud. It hits him awkwardly before clattering to the floor.

He did manage to reload the pistol, but not prime it before I am upon him. Kicking his hand with my injured leg, sending both his hand and pistol hard into his stomach. Groaning from the impact, he tries to pull the slide back.

Kicking the weapon up, the pistol slams into his face busting his nose. Leaning down and grasping him by the throat. I raise the dazed combatant with both hands.

Holding him in midair as he flails at me, fighting to keep his life. It is cut short as a small burst of rifle fire hits him in the back.

Bullets intended for me. Using the corpse as a shield. His body absorbs the sporadic fire. Bearing down on the next enemy with my meat shield.

I've never met someone as equally smart as me, maybe he wasn't lying after all.

"Enough, you two!" yelled a female voice frantically. She's a woman in her 40s with long auburn hair and worried eyes who travels to assist Kenji. I try to restore my composure, but my entire body seems as if it has shut down.

"Are you doing well, Figlioli?" He shrugged her off, saying, "Sto bene mom, don't worry about me." "Who are you?" she asked, her gaze moving to me as she frowned. Wouldn't it be interesting to know?

I ignore her and rise with the help of the side table next to me; this isn't how I had imagined my evening going.

"I see you weren't able to murder me." Kenji replies arrogantly "Don't flatter yourself, the only reason you're not dead is that your mother interrupted me." I concur.

"If you say so," I try to think of a way out, but there isn't one. He shrugs, picks up his phone, and dials someone's number. "Massimo, please come to my office with the guards and make sure they are armed." fuck.

"Don't even think of trying something sly; you have no way out; now you darling, you'll have to cooperate or your little pal downstairs will die." He forewarns me.



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