Chapter 30: The Sixth Ruin - One Miniature Garden

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"Phew. It's been a while since I was in a bath–"

"Yeah, me too-"

Lux carefully knocked on the door of the dressing room and bathroom, and after having confirmed that there was nobody inside, Ryoga put the plate "under cleaning" outside and they took off their clothes. After dashing hot water over themselves at the washing place, they slowly washed their bodies and finally immersed themselves into the bathtub. The sensation of their muscles, which got tired with daily odd jobs and training, getting loose was comfortable.


"This is heaven..."

Nevertheless, there was a certain concern in Ryoga's head. It was about the duel over Krulcifer's engagement. There was no problem to the fact that it had come to a duel – to the fight itself. However, aside from the woman butler Alterize, Barzeride was a dangerous opponent. And, he was also worried about Krulcifer who had also decided to fight.

"I don't understand though. She doesn't seem to have a very good relationship with her home–"

Of course, since it was about Krulcifer, she was probably doing well; but it somehow felt like she did not trust the members of the Einvolk House.


Ryoga gently closed his eyes while being soaked into the bathtub. Tomorrow, he and Lux would join the ruins investigation by the "Knight Squadron" for the first time.

"I hope we'll be able to come back safely–"

"Yeah, I hope. Well, I'm out of here. Bye, Lux."

"Bye, Ryoga."

After that, Ryoga left the bath. If only he stayed for about another minute, he would've seen that another person was in the bath.

-The next day-

Ryoga, Lux, and the members of the "Knight Squadron" had gathered to the waiting room of the practice field for the mission. The objective was the subjugation of a Golem, a large-sized Abyss that wanders around the ruins, and the internal investigation of the sixth ruins "Garden". The members who would sortie were about 14 people. It was planned that after defeating the large-sized Abyss – Golem, a few elites with remaining power among them would enter the ruins. No, they intended to do so.

"Well then, I will inform you of a few points about the change of plan of today's strategy execution."

Instructor Raigree said with a slightly bitter face. As the one supervising the strategy this time, it plainly showed that an unexpected and troublesome incident happened.

"First of all – I will have the foreign student Krulcifer exceptionally participate in this strategy. Her participation in the strategy was strongly requested by the person herself. She asked not to have special treatment and to carry out the mission as a member."

The members of the "Knight Squadron" could not help but leak out voices of surprise. Ryoga also felt the same way.

"Please, take care of me. Everyone."

The person concerned, Krulcifer simply got it over with a greeting without explaining her reason for tagging along.

"And this person is–"

"Ah, I will personally introduce myself. I cannot afford to cause you trouble, Instructor."

Ryoga was familiar with that haughty tone, and theatrically exaggerated behavior and expression which coerced others. When he saw who spoke those words, he sighed in annoyance.

"This guy again..."

"What is the meaning of this? Why is this guy–"

The mutter of Lisha, who could not hide her confusion, could be also heard by Lux and Ryoga beside her.

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