Chapter 2: The Scarlet War Princess

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"He did what?!"

During the next day, Ryoga heard that princess Lisesharte Atismata challenged Lux to a battle. As soon as he heard that, he started running to the arena. But then, during the middle of his run, he stopped.

"How in the heck would I be able to get to the arena?"

Soon, an idea came up to Ryoga. He soon continued his run with one thought in his mind.

"I hope this works..."

First, while using the rooftops, he was able to get to the academy. Then, when he was able to get to the backside of the arena, he used the power of his Drag-Ride to create an ice pillar for himself. Soon, after he undid the ice structure, he was able to get to the coliseum's wall and watch the match. But soon, he felt as if someone was watching him. He turned in that direction and found light blue eyes watching him. But soon, that person stopped watching him and turned to the arena. Ryoga did the same because the fight was about to start. The duel begins when Lisha firstly fires Tiamat's cannon shot at Lux, who later dodges while defending himself.

"Lux Arcadia."


"Your armor is torn off...You'd better release that <Wyvern>, which is about to break. Use that other sword device. I don't know what kind of Drag-Ride it is, but it should be better than that partially destroyed one, right? Do it quickly."

"...Um, then, may I again say one thing? Even so, I can't afford to use this other sword. So, if it becomes a draw at this rate, could we agree on this matter? Honestly, I'm tied up with other jobs. A-about what happened to the bath...Sorry, I apologize, so..."

When Ryoga heard that, he looked at Lux with a deadpan expression.

"Well, he's dead."

Lisha rejects his apology, and also uses Tiamat's ultimate weapon-the "Seven-Headed" to summon all the Legions to attack Lux, forcing Lux to flee while deflecting the Legions as much as possible. Lux continues to dodge and deflect all of Tiamat's Legions despite their simultaneous attacks, further frustrating Lisha as she resorts to using Tiamat's Heavenly Voice to blow Lux and his Wyvern onto the ground, eventually pinning him. Before Lisha could deliver her final blow, however, Tiamat is on its rampage where Legions fall onto the ground one by one but not even her Drag-Ride's near malfunction makes Lisha admit defeat as she aims the Seven-headed cannon at Lux again. Then, while watching that, Ryoga felt an ominous feeling. He put a hand on his chest.

"This can't be..."

The duel however is interrupted by an invading Abyss who wreck chaos by firing its light bullet at the crowd, causing chaos among the School Coliseum. But before the bullet can hit anyone, Ryoga chose to step in.

"Ice-Make: Shield!"

"Ice-Make: Shield!"

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