Chapter 20: New Teachers in Royal Officer Academy

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"Hey, Ryoga-kun. May we eat lunch together?"

"That's fine by me, but–"

The next day at lunch break.

"Ah, so Krulcifer-san wasn't joking after all."

"Yes, to think that that girl was so assertive... She's serious."

The classroom was astir and the female students raised their voices so unanimously.

"This conversation attracts attention too much...!"

The two people then walked down the corridor, not aware that Lux, Lisha, and Philphie followed them. As Krulcifer and Ryoga sat down together in the dining room, just that was enough to attract attention very much.

"I'd better pay extra attention to this request..."

Ryoga slowly ate lunch while thinking about such a thing. The afternoon class was a practice of the battle form. Everyone headed to the practice field away from the school building and dormitory changed into dress gear and wore Machine Dragons.

"Well then, today, we will mainly focus on the practical skill training for the campus selection battle, which will be held two weeks later."

When all the members of the class lined up, Instructor Raigree's dignified voice resounded in the wide practice field.

"...Today three Drag-Knights have come from the capital's army as temporary instructors. Everybody, don't miss this opportunity, and properly learn."

The men entered the practice field. Men wearing the regular army overcoat on their dress gears. Their age was probably about twenty to thirty years. The female students leaked whispering voices at the army's instructor who was a man with a stern face standing at the vanguard of the other two.

"This is the first time. To think that "males" from the capital would be involved in such a lesson–"

"...In the first place, this was not in the schedule, right?"

"There are many people with a somehow cute face. Well, it isn't to the extent of our Prince and Knight."

"Or rather, isn't it disgusting? How they stared at us–"

"Hou. As expected, coming here was the right choice."

The man with a stern face standing at the vanguard smiled wryly as he looked at the embarrassed students. It appeared that this man was the leader among the three.

"The Royal Military Academy for only female students was established not long ago. Indeed, it looks like it's dependent on the New Kingdom's permissive system to women and usually does lukewarm training."

"That is because they are still receiving an education curriculum."

Instructor Raigree calmly replied.

"No, no, Raigree-dono. We, adults, must teach them the severity of battle as early as possible. No matter how high the Machine Dragon aptitude value's average was judged to be, in the end, there is no way that a woman can rival a man, so–"

The muscular man with a rustic impression broadly grinned and said as to pick a fight. Then, the lean man beside him stepped forward.

"That's right. If you get carried away because of that level of a military exercise in the capital – two weeks ago, you'll have difficulty in the future. There is just a handful of strong student Drag-Knights after all. I will also use this opportunity to firmly teach you the severity of a battle."

To the tone of the sticky man, the students' expressions stiffened.

"But, I would like you to refrain from dangerous behavior. They are still students after all."

"Of course, we will be careful. However – formal training might be somewhat harsh for these weak girls though."

In contrast, the men said so unapologetically. And, within a strange atmosphere slightly different than usual, the practice began. Beginning from the Machine Dragon's operation check, they advanced to basic skills practice such as barrier deployment, flight or acceleration, and the like. But at this point, it had already become something different from the usual practice.

"Hey, you bastard! With such slow movements, you can't even become a target on the battlefield!? Are you making fun of me? Huh!?"

"What's wrong!? Are you already tired? Do you think you can handle a Machine Dragon with this level?!"

"Don't be naive! Don't ask anyone! Think by yourself and redo it!"

About ten minutes after the start. The temporary instructors in question were instructing the female students with quite rough methods. Even Instructor Raigree who watched it attentively looked like she couldn't somehow settle down.

"What the hell does this mean...?"

"What's that bastard doing...?"

Lux and Ryoga, who were taking a break, muttered so as they watched the situation from the audience seating.

"It seems that there has also been something like this before."



Krulcifer who was behind them muttered so calmly. Both of them were not wearing Machine Dragons now.

"May I sit next to you?"


When Ryoga nodded, Krulcifer quietly sat down beside him. And, she fixedly stared at the practice field and opened her mouth.

"Those temporary instructors are nobles belonging to the army of the Capital, and it seems that they have wanted to come to this Royal Military Academy for some time now."

"But, aren't there already Instructor Raigree and men instructors in the academy? And yet, why–"

"And yet, why have they expressly come here?"

"To put it plainly, people don't change so easily."

With a tone mixed somewhere with resignation, Krulcifer said.

"What do you mean–"

"I'm a foreign student from another country, but I know at least this country's history. They want to shake the predominance of women. They don't like the fact that women step into the area called Drag-Knight which was the men's privilege in this country. Naturally, such people would come over. No, if anything, people like you may be rare. Former Imperial Prince. The son of an army captain."

Krulcifer jokingly said, but they did not laugh at it. Since there was such a long history, it was natural that there were "men" like them.

"I thought I understood at least this much, but-"

"Besides, this incident this time is surely their revenge."


"What do you mean by that?"

"You know about the fact that the third-year students had gone for practice to the Capital last month, right? It seems that during that practice, the academy's strongest third-year student, Celis-senpai had completely crushed the faces of the Drag-Knights over there. With her overwhelming strength."

"Isn't that–"

"They're just venting their anger."

Ryoga said so with a glare and an annoyed expression.

"If that's true–"

"Of course. It's just a rumor, and half is my guess, but such a rumor doesn't seem to be groundless."

Saying so, Krulcifer slowly stood up while turning her gaze to the practice field.

"Break time is over. Shall we go, too?"


"Let's go..."

Lux, Ryoga, and Krulcifer returned to the practice field side by side. And they resumed training.

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