"Amelia...if Niall hurts you come to me please" he says grabbing my hand.

"Zayn thanks for being my big brother...I promise you'll be the first I come to" I say

"Good" he says

I laugh and turn up the radio. Gangnam Style comes blaring out of the speakers. Zayn and I start doing little dances until we get to the office. I pull up next to the garbage can that's always filled with old newspapers. I grab a box out of my trunk and start stuffing some in. I grab another box as Zayn puts the other in the trunk. When we get four boxes filled we shut the trunk and get back into the car. We drive home and see the boys have piled all the counters, island and table with plates and glasses and vases and silverware.

"Excellent job boys" I say

"I'll be back to help you in a minute I have to call Jackie first" I say

The boys nod and I walk up to my room. I shut the door behind me and sit on my bed. I dial Jackie's number and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello" she says

"Hi mom" I say

"Hi sweetie" she says

"Mom Im moving....to London with the boys....I'll come to visit I promise....I was wondering if you want the vases and Mikaela's stuff" I say

"Honey you don't need to come home if you don't want to....when do you leave?" she asks

"We leave Saturday" I say

"I'll come pick the stuff up Saturday....what time do you leave?" she asks

"Our flight leaves at three in the afternoon but we're going to leave here by one so we can get through security" I say

"Okay I'll be there by ten" she says

"Okay thanks mom" I say

"Yeah no problem...I have to get my bananana bread out of the oven...I'll see you Saturday" she says

"Yeah see you then" I say hanging up.

I wipe off the tears that fell while I was on the phone and go back downstairs.

"Okay Jackie wants the vases so put them in the same box" I say "Niall and I are going to work on her room"

"Okay come on boys lets get going" Liam says

"Can I work on the room instead?" Harry asks

I look at him and he looks horrible. His hair sticking in every direction. He's wearing sweats and a t-shirt with stains all over it and his face looks sunken in. And his normal bright green eyes are gray.

"Yeah Harry you can help...Niall you stay down here" I say

"But..." he says

I shake my head and he stops.I grab some boxes and so does Harry. As we walk up the stairs I text Niall.

Hey sorry.....I think I need to talk to Harry for a bit...he looks horrible and sometimes you guys aren't enough -Your Princess

Yeah I figured thts why u wanted to work with him.....thanks for being there for him -Niallerbear

Yup no problem -Your Princess

I put my phone in my pocket and walk into Mikaela's room where Harry is laying on the bed.

"Harry are you okay?" I ask

He doesn't answer and I go lay next to him. Staring at the ceiling.

"She comes to me sometimes....I saw her last night in my dream" he says

"Yeah I saw her last night too...we had a talk that we hadn't had in forever...what'd you do?" I ask

"If I told you you'd slap me" he says laughing

"Did you?" I ask scared for the answer

"Yeah" he says laughing

I gasp and hit his arm.

"You naughty boy" I say

"Hey she started it" he says holding his arm

"She's also dead" I say

He stops laughing and stares at her comforter.I look at him and feel bad.

"I shouldn't have said that" I say

Harry looks at me and pulls my face up so he can look me in the eye "No its fine your just telling the truth I need to face it sometime"

"We all do" I say

"What'd you guys talk about? In your dream I mean" he says

"We talked about you and Niall. She loved you. We talked about how much she wished you guys could've had more time together. We talked how she was jealous that Niall and I get more time then you did. We talked about our fight. She told me she understood where I was coming from. Then she started crying saying how the tables had turned. She was always there for me when I needed her. but at that moment I was there for her" I say

Harry smiles and wipes the tears off my face. I reach up and wipe his off.

"I love her too. I still do. I miss her. I wish we could've had more time" he says

"Harry. Maybe this happened for a reason. You always are talking about having to stop having these little flings. Maybe Mikaela was your helper to help you feel love and open your eyes" I say

"Maybe your right...thanks Amelia" he says hugging me

"No problem Harry" I say hugging him back.

We get done hugging and start working. I decide to keep some of the scrapbooks Mikaela made. We pack her comforter and bed stuff first. Than her books and scrapbooks. Than everything else in her room. When we get done we go downstairs to see the other boys finishing in the kitchen.

"Nice job boys want to start in the living room?" I ask

They nod and we go into the living room.

"Niall you help me with dvd's Louis Harry you get blankets out of the cabinet and Liam and Zayn pictures" I say

We all get busy. Niall making fun of the chick flicks that I own.

"Seriously Titanic?" he asks

"Yes Titanic its the most romantic movie ever" I say

"Whatever" he says putting it in the box.

We get done and flop down on the couch.

"Well did you guys mark the vase box? I have to put Mikaela's stuff and the vases together because Jackie wants those" I say

"Yeah I made sure we marked all the boxes" Liam says

"He marked them himself...except for the spoon box...he wouldn't even touch it" Louis says

We all burst out laughing and just keep laughing. I think we're all tired that's why we're laughing so hard.

Liam and Zayn are holding their stomachs. Louis is rolling on the floor. Harry is tearing up. Niall is hiding his face in the pillow and I'm leaning against him.

After five minutes of laughing we all calm down a bit and turn the TV on. I'll finish packing tomorrow. I'm to tired now.

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