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" 'Nu, let's eat lunch together! "

Was the first thing he heard when he answered the call, he winced at the sudden loud sound and fixes his earpiece before he continued to drive, the traffic lights turning green once again.

" It's half passed nine " he replied, telling his friend it's too early to think about lunch. But he knew to himself there's no such thing as 'too early' for food.


Hyunwoo shook his head, despite Hoseok not being able to see it. "What happened to Hyungwon, won't you eat with him today?" He asked, knowing how Hoseok has been sharing his meals with the model.

" Won is busy today, I don't want to bother him "

" Oh, so you'll bother me instead?"

"There's no consequences in bothering you"

"I'm locking my office"

"I'm already here" Hoseok replied unbothered, giving a small cute laugh when his words created a small paused on Hyunwoo's line. "Joo is here too"

Hyunwoo breathes out through his nose. He really need to start changing up security and remove the free pass privileges his friends has. He swears, his office is no longer an office but a hang out place for them. Even Minhyuk who should be working at his own office in a completely different building is always present at his. His house gets trespassed by everyone too. Actually, he doesn't have a house anymore because at this point, it looks like Kihyun had slowly took claim on it. Right now, it feels like it's Hyunwoo = free realstate.

" where you at?" Hoseok asked him after the few seconds of no answer.

"On my way" Hyunwoo replied, turning to the right and heading towards the underground parking lot of the company.

Hoseok bid him goodbye and ended the call. Hyunwoo shook his head and just sigh, though he's ever so slightly annoyed by it, his thoughts remained good and speaks up fondness for his friends. He have amazing lovable friends, they just need to find a new place to camp at as his office was meant to be a working space, even his secretary is getting bothered.

His phone rang again when he entered the elevator. But this time it was Kihyun who was calling. For no good reason, he let it ring for awhile before answering.

" What took you so long to answer?" Kihyun's impatient tone greeted him from the other line, a sign that there's a rant that's about to come.

Hyunwoo chuckled to himself. That line and tone greets him everytime, and he finds himself enjoying it, so he sometimes take awhile to pick up the phone.

"..you always take too long to answer. I don't know if that's on purpose or not but what if it's something urgent? I could be dying over here and it's taking you like, what?  7 years to pick up the phone! "

He has a point, it could be urgent. Hyunwoo doesn't like how he somehow, 80% of the time has a point. But then again, Kihyun never called about something urgent, he  just always make it sound as if it is. So he would like to invalidate whatever the younger had said.

Hyunwoo didn't say anything other than a short response that he was driving. A lie, but it made Kihyun drop his rant.

"Anyways, I called to tell you we run out of eggs" 

What an urgent matter

Hyunwoo thought sarcastically after registering what Kihyun had said.

" Why do I need to know that?"
Hyunwoo asked, stepping out of the elevator. There was a paused on the other side. He could almost feel Kihyun furrowing his eyebrows at the question.

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