The demon's eyes went wide. "Your highness I-"

"Che!" you spat at the ground, "since when did you put your head so high man? I'll tell my mother to fire you from your job! Have fun in the streets!"

"Your highness pleas-" you rolled your eyes and he immediately turned into mist. Internally, you were shocked but you remained straight-faced. You turned to the crowd of guards.

"Keep her in the dungeon." you ordered. "But don't abuse her or act roughly with her. Give her a set of clothes and bring the ones she's wearing to me. If anyone of you decides to step out of the line even by the toe then I'll tell my mother to cut you off from your job and I'll make sure none of you will ever have another one ever. Do you understand?"

They all nodded in fear and the girl was left immediately. You nodded in satisfaction. "I'll speak to her later. Now go."

They bowed their heads in fear and left the room. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and attached the door back again. The doors were attachable, it wasn't something needed but okay I guess?

You jumped onto the bed. "Damn that was.. Weird."

You closed your eyes and covered yourself with the blanket again. When she was cleaning, you could see her looking back at you to see if you were sleeping. She was making sure of it, she was nervous.

Then she stayed in the spot for a few seconds making you alert all of a sudden. Even if you were closing your eyes, your mind had formed a map in your head,

You could hear her breathing, shivering and her heart thumping like crazy. All of your senses had heightened and it was high-key scary.

When she stopped towards your bed, that's when you got ready to attack her, she opened the note and bam. Something inside clicked right and she was floating in the air paralyzed. You were standing beside the bed with blankets sprawled around you.

It was crazy man! Ugh!

Bam! The door was knocked down once again and your eyes shut open. I can't even sleep without people annoying me or something now?!

"People I just attached the door why y'all-"

Two people immediately threw themselves onto you. "What the fuck!"

"y/n! We missed you!" jungkook smiled smugly at his brother.

"What the? First, get the fuck off me!"

"nO! We're gonna stay glued to you forever! Right Taehyung?" she smugly smiled. "We cried when you were in a mini coma!"

"Yes, we cried a lot! Especially your boyfriend!" They cheekily smiled at him.

"Stop teasing me okay?! Just shut up man!"



They simultaneously answered, making him annoyed even more. Taehyung groaned. "Why y'all so annoying? I hate y'all."

"But you still love us!" Jungkook said again.

"GET THE HELL OF ME!" you managed to push them off you, making your friend get squashed in between the bed and a certain dude.

"Why are you so heavy!" she said pushing Jungkook off.

"It's because im taller than you!"

Silence. "If you wanna live then you better run bunny boy.

"Oh shi-" And woosh, they ran off chasing.

Taehyung fixed the door and then mumbled. "Finally those nuisances are gone!"

"Wha-?" and immediately you were attacked by him kissing all over your face. He tightly hugged you leaving no space between you two. "Ayo what-"

Red Moon | Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now