Kidding me

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You two reached your classroom and sat in your seats. Your friend opened her book and acted as if she got a heart attack. "Oh, man! Words! I'm going to die! There are too many words in here!"

"Everyone is already dying. Stop being dramatic." you rolled your eyes.

"Nobody asked for your opinion. Hey, Jungkook can you teach me this?" she pointed to a topic that was one of the hardest topics, concidentially.

You peeped into her book and acted the same way she did. "Oh, this one. I'm getting a headache already!"

"Nobody asked."

"But I wanted them to know." you backfired.

"Meh. do you know this topic though?"

Jungkook slowly nodded. "Yeah, it's an easy one for me."

"I can teach her!" you glared at Taehyung and gave a message through your eyes.

'Shut up before I rip you apart. Now tell her that your brother can teach it better.'

He gulped. ", but my brother can teach it better than me." you nodded, that's what I thought.

Jungkook explained the entire topic to your friend in such detail. He can take the teacher's job already!

Your friend kept nodding and staring at him, mesmerized. You did the same. You both tried hard to understand it. You even asked the teacher about it. You watched videos on it and searched through the internet, but nothing!

Your brains kept going haywire and this little shit just explained it like it was explaining the alphabet to middle school kids. It felt that easy!

"Oh my god if you were a teacher, you would snatch the title of everyone's favorite teacher and every teacher would be so jealous of you!" your friend said in pure amazement. "How do you do that?"

Jungkook shyly smiled and scratched the back of his neck. "It's nothing."

That night, you were just scrolling through social media and squealing over cute kittens. The kitten fell down from the bed and you sat up. "No! Baby!"

You commented on it. 'I'm so devastated! Why did the baby fall down! It was so cute~! (T_T)' you scrolled past it and got a message from your friend saying, hey you up?

You opened it and typed back: yeah what's up?


(private chat with your best friend)

Your best friend- my best frand

You- you


My best frand: I'm bored

My best frand: got any tea?


You: nope

You: hey can you tell me how you started liking Jungkook though?

You: I've been curious about that


My best frand: uhh

My best frand: no


You: pwease!

You: 🥺


My best frand: don't you dare use those eyes on me!!




My best frand: fine!

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