Angel or Devil?

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how's the top picture? *smirk

his S.O would be so lucky, seeing this hot ass mf like literally for the rest of their life like damn bitch you lucky!! 

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

and they'll see him old as well. he'd still be handsome I'm sure of it (〃` 3′〃)

imagine being so hot that bitches go around simping for you and it's not just pussies, it's dicks as well.

.... that sounded way better in my head sorry anyway let's get into it. 

also, I've decided to post a chapter once with two chapters in it. like two in one. and I've finally decided to not be lazy and put gifs just in case.


You looked up from your phone and realized it was seven already. Shit, you're late. Today was the day you'll be going to prom with Taetae, but you also promised your sister that you'd help her choose a dress that would be right for her.

Wait, you can just take all of your things and change at her house instead. And her house is much closer to their house. Oh well.

You stuff everything you need in a plastic bag and walk fast to her place. Before you could break-in, the door opened and her mother greeted you. "Hi __!"

"Hi, aunty. Is my friend upstairs?"

"Yeah, and she's going crazy. She wouldn't let me inside, go help her!"

"Okay, aunty."

You ran upstairs to find your friend pacing back and forth. She was about to lose it. You gulped and slowly spoke. "Hi."

She turned to you with bloody red eyes and smiled. "There you are finally." You nervously smiled. "Sorry that I'm late. Anyway, go on and show me your choices."

She held your wrist and dragged you into her room. She shut the door, and you found two drop-dead gorgeous dresses. "Where did you get all of this!?"

She rolled her eyes. "It's my mother's and I hate them. You know me and my dresses."

"Yup." you nodded, thinking about what happened to her. You didn't understand why she thought it was traumatizing. After her first boyfriend cheated on her, she stopped being like you. She became a tomboy and the goddess of scaring people away.

Meh, that motherfucker broke his braces and teeth after she told you. He deserved it in your perspective. But you didn't do it. He just fell on the floor because he didn't tie his shoelaces.

"Anyway, how about we exchange? I got one that's probably your liking?" you took out the dress you chose, and she hesitantly nodded. "This one's... good I guess. I like it."

"Okay then go wear it!"

After swapping your clothes, you both looked at each other. "Damn girl!!" you said in unison.

 "Damn girl!!" you said in unison

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