No More

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The next day, you woke up at 10 am. Taehyung was nowhere seen and you could hear your sibling laughing while a sizzling sound was heard. And then it clicked. You were late for school.

You ran down the stairs while yelling. "Sista! I'm late for school! Taehyung! Wendy! Why didn't you wake me up for school?! Now we are both late for school!"

Wendy saw you huffing and puffing at the kitchen entrance. "Eh? Why are you shouting and running around the house? Don't you know you'll get your hurt?"

"You! I'm late for school!"

"Idiot! Today you have no school! Some parts of the twin got flooded and at 7 or 8, they sent a message that they'll be no school."

"Oh. That's great then."

"Also," Wendy took a spoon and pointed it at you. "Why didn't you tell me your friend would come over?"

"Eh? I'm sorry about that."

"No, there's a lot more than him coming over. You troubled him so much! You suddenly called him when it was raining heavily and he came here because you had suddenly cut the call in the middle and he thought something had happened to you! Now apologize to him!"

"Eh?" You glanced at Taehyung and he didn't look at you at all. Did this leech twist his words? Boy, he's going to die once again.

"Now apologize."

"Okay. I'm sorry." You mumbled.

"What? I couldn't hear what you say?"

"I'm sorry!"

"To whom?"

"To Taehyung!"

"Say it in a full sentence!"

"You! Ugh!" You gritted your teeth and glared. "I'm sorry, Taehyung."

"Good. Now you can go brush your teeth, and Taehyung you can help me."

After brushing your teeth, you secretly glared at Taehyung. You never wanted this mosquito to come to your place and he made it look like you forced him to.

When Wendy's gone, you'll kill this leech again!

"Noona! The food's really good!"

Wendy smiled. "I know."

"Umm can you give me the recipe? I would like to make it as well."

"You cook as well! Oh my god, ___? Why didn't you bring this guy over here much before?"

You nervously laughed. Yeah, a vampire inside our home. Next time you should invite the werewolves home. You sarcastically thought. But on the outside, you said. "Sorry?"

"It's okay. Taehyung, where do you live?"

"Umm... at the very edge?"

"You live near the forest!?"

"Yeah, my s- I mean my dad had a plot over there and he wanted to move here for retirement."

"Oh, do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, his name is Jungkook."

"Oh, is he annoying as well?"

"Wendy!" You yelled.

Taehyung shook his head. "No, he is very quiet. But he can get very annoying. You can sometimes hear him yell in his room at 2 am while playing Overwatch."

"Okay then. He and my sister would get along well."


"I'm teasing. Also, eat those vegetables!"

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