Bad Decisions

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You were just walking home recalling the entire day. The quiet brothers were grounded and didn't come to school. Your friend was irritating you with that small crush on Taehyung. To be honest, who wouldn't? He looked like a Greek god!

The teacher had given everyone a lot of homework for the weekend. Three lessons for a test, five assignments, and a freaking essay on any topic she has taught.

That lady even had the audacity of telling everyone to have a great weekend and to get enough rest. Yeah, we will. (Eye roll) you could already see the future: you stressfully scrolling through memes.

But before you go home, you want a quick snack. You stopped at a small convenience store near your home. You stepped outside with a juice box and a bar of chocolate when you spotted a familiar silhouette.

You narrowed your eyes and recognized that figure as Taehyung. He was wearing a dark hoodie familiar to you without the hood covering his head and wore dark jeans. 'what is he doing here? Shouldn't he be grounded at home?' you wondered.

Then you saw another figure approaching him, which you guessed was Jungkook. They spoke something to each other. Then nodded and sprint in another direction.

'wait what are they doing here?' your curiosity got the best of you and you decided to follow them.

Even if you didn't have good stamina, you did manage to not lose them out of your sight and followed them far away from your home. It was at the outskirts of the town, where you thought ghosts might be there.

You followed them through the dense forest. Trees, plants, all sorts of stuff slowed you down and you heard something. Like a muffled voice.

"Good job, Jungkook. I didn't know you can't kidnap a bastard like that." Taehyung said. What did he just say? Kidnap?!

You cautiously took a few steps forward, peeped over the plants covering you, and were shocked. A man was tied up, butt naked, and gagged.

Taehyung removed the gag from the dude's mouth, and the man yelled. "When my pack comes here, you and your fellow leeches will be dead!" eh? A pack? What bullshit is he saying?

"Bitch, please. I was brought alive from the dead." Uhh, what are you talking about, Jungkook? He continued. "And why would they kill us? They'd be more disappointed in you for breaking the treaty."

"What trea-" the dude stopped and turned his head in your direction, which made you crouch to hide from his prying eyes. "We have a witness! And it's a human!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Shut up. Which human would come over here? They'd be idiots for doing so." Uhh, then you're the biggest idiot ever.

"Yeah! Now shut up before I cut open your throat!" Taehyung brought out a knife from his pocket and you pressed your hands to muffle your gasp.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, I will! You broke the treaty between us a hundred times. You entered our territory without notifying us and took humans! Then bred in them and turned them into werewolves! So why wouldn't we kill you?" Taehyung twirled the knife in his hands and cruelly smiled.

"What? They were drunk and were throwing themselves at me. I lost it and succumbed to my instincts. Who wouldn't mind fucking humans? I'm sure you must've done that at least once."

Taehyung lost it. He forced the gag in the dude's mouth and started stabbing him. You covered your face from the gory scene. You had seen gory movies but a real-life murder, boy weren't you scared.

"How's that for instincts?!" you heard him cruelly say.

"Hyung, stop. He's already dead. You're just making it harder for us to hide the body."

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