Rumors (part 2)

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And that's how you had your only conversation (even if you didn't talk) with the brothers. People would try to talk to them, but they gave them bland answers in return.

Both of them were inseparable. They only talk to each other, hung out with each other, were in every class together like what the fuck? We get it; they were siblings, but why were they so close to each other?! For god's sake.

Then they never showed their faces fully at all. Their hair was in front of their eyes at all times. They only wore dark hoodies. They sat in a way that you can't see their faces clearly. You wondered if they could see shit clearly.

Rumors started. People told they were runaway criminals, they were ugly; they were spies from a different country; they were mafias, all sorts of that stuff.

It was as if everything had become a Wattpad or a fanfic writer all of a sudden.

You kind of felt bad for them. They were probably shy and had social anxiety, which probably meant they couldn't talk to each other for a long time and hated small talk.

Everyone was coming up with crazy stories and the town was small, so word spread around easily.

But the day they finally snapped was scary to witness.

A bunch of troublemakers had suddenly walked inside. You despised them, they always created trouble for everyone and called themselves gangsters.

I'm pretty sure gangsters don't go around creating troubles for others. And they get arrested in the end, but these bastards never got arrested because the school wanted proof of them harassing students. These fuckers.

They kicked open the door of the cafeteria. The leader gestured at the girls sitting at the front. "Look! Hot babes!" The rest started laughing, and the girls narrowed their eyes at him. They showed him their middle fingers.

"Oh, come on! Stop playing hard to get! I know you want me!" The leader laughed.

You rolled your eyes and stood up. "Who would want someone that looks like an ape every day?"

Then your friend joined in. "That's an insult to apes sis. Don't compare them to those humble creatures."

Their heads whipped to you and your friend. They looked at you, head to toe, with disgusting smiles. You felt disgusted by their gaze. "We'll take care of you two later."

"Fuck off."

"Now who are the new kids of the school?!" the leader ordered. "I want to make a proper introduction!" oh no, you eyed the corner table where they sat.

They paid no attention to the commotion and kept eating. Wow, the kings of being unbothered.

"I heard their names are Jungkook and Taehyung! They were a hoodie every day, nobody has seen their faces. Ring a bell?"

Everyone shook their heads. They didn't want the newcomers to get bullied, even if they had made crazy rumors about them. They didn't want the troublemakers to beat them up.

The leader clapped his hands twice and eyed you. What did he see? You panicked inside. Did he see you glancing at their table? "Alright, then bring in the guys from the corner table."

Oh, shit, you wanted to stop them, but you were a midget who had a sharp tongue, not strength. The troublemakers made their way to the corner table and were about to grab the brothers when one of them said. "Eww don't touch me."

"What do you want?" the other brother said. And his tone was pretty pissed.

The leader's minions snorted. "Stop acting so arrogant." as if you ain't being that right now. *eye-roll* "Our leader wants you to come up front."

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