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wassup hoes and rats 


In a few weeks, your exams came. First was English, second was Maths (you lost brain cells), third was science (biology, physics, and chemistry combined), fourth was language and the last one was history, political science, economical science and geography combined.

Getting good grades at language was a dream; you sucked it. Always got an average or below. The rest of the subjects, you knew you would get an A in them.

When all the exams finished one of your classmates in physics had decided to throw a party at his home. You recalled his name was Jackson... last name: something with a W? You didn't know his full name.

(A/n: no BTS fic is complete without my bb Jackson 😤)

You asked your squad if they were going to Jackson's party. Jungkook said he'll go because free food is there, Taehyung said he'll go because Jungkook will get lost and your friend agreed because she wanted to be away from her crazy family.

Since your friends were going, then naturally you were going too.

You decided to wear a turtleneck and jeans because there was a high probability of people's sweat getting on you. And there might be an A/C in his house. Who the heck would not have an A/C in their home?!

You told Wendy about it, she was like. "Okay just don't drink."


"And don't smoke."


"Also don't do drugs there!"

"I know."

"And don't hook up with someone just like that!"

"Who do you think I am?! I'm a very pure person!"

(A/n: bruh)

"I know." She patted your head and left you alone in the living room.

The doorbell rang and you opened the door. "Heyya!" Your friend yelled.

"Yeah okay, let's go."

You locked the door and started walking. "So did one of them message you that they've reached there?"

"No, but Jungkook said they might be lucky and would come late because they are trying to convince their dad."

"Oh great."

"He also told that their dad is kind of strict but he might allow them to go if he's in a good mood."

"Oh, man!"

"They've been acting good for the past week and it puts him in a good mood so there might be a chance. What are they to him? Little kids?"

"In their dad's eyes probably yes."

Yup, their dad was hundreds of years old while they were just ants in age. So they were nothing but babies for him.

You and your friend reached Jackson's house in ten minutes. You still couldn't believe that his parents allowed him to throw a party at his home. Turns out they were gone for a week.

Oh boy 😳

When you opened the door loud music was booming and neon disco lights were displayed. Your friend yelled over the music. "Oh my god did he rent out the club's equipment?!"

"I don't know!"

"I'm hungry!"

"Me too!"

"Let's go if they have something edible!"

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