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quick note: listen to the song while reading this. because there's a fight scene bitches! 


Taehyung's jaw ticked. "What do you want?!"

"Nothing, your highness, we just want something that your bastard father took from my father!" You guessed the leader yelled.

"Go to him and ask for it, you son of a fuck!" Jungkook yelled.

"No, we won't, your highness!"

"Jungkook, why are they calling you two your highness?" Your friend whispered to him.

He gulped. "They're just being sarcastic."

"Oh! So the noble prince's pets don't know who they actually are! This is intriguing since they are their pets!" The leader tauntingly yelled.

"Okay one, I ain't anybody's pet! And two, Jeon Jungkook what the fuck are they talking about?!"

"I don't know!"

"You don't know?! Bitch, they look like they have known you very well for a long time and you don't know them?! Your brother looks pissed at them and you don't know!? What the fuck!" Your friend yelled.

"Wow, the younger prince's pet bites! A feisty one your highness!"

Your friend glared at them in her signature way and cracked her knuckles. "Alright you son of a mother fucking bitch, I'm going to-"

Jungkook stopped her from pouncing on them by hugging her tightly. "Jungkook, leave me this instant! Let me at 'em!"

He set her down and glared. "Stop it! If you are going to go at them, you can. I won't stop you. But they'll rip you apart in a second! So do you want to pick a fight with them!?"

She frantically shook her head, and he nodded. She had never seen Jungkook losing it at her temper. She was too scared to defy him.

"So now the pet gets disciplined!"

"Shut the fuck up, you son of a fuck! She's my girlfriend!"

"What do you want anyway?!" Taehyung yelled.

The leader pouted, and you cringed internally. Damn, he looked even more ugly. "Nothing much, just give back my father his position!"

"Then go and tell it to the monarch! Stop complaining to us about it!"

"It was all your father's fault! He had labeled my father as a crazy bastard and backstabed him twice then had him kicked out of the empire after humiliating him in front of the empress!"

"If it's our father's fault, then go complain to him and kill him! Why are you attacking us?! You're such a big baby!" Jungkook yelled.

The leader crazily smiled. "No, you two are his beloved sons then how about I just kill you two instead? I'll just get double of my revenge."

Did this dude just?? Did he just say the entire plan for his revenge? What a dumbass.

Then him and his gang of crazy people shouted and ran towards you four. Jungkook threw his jacket and ran towards them. A crazy dude lunged at him with a knife and five seconds later, the dude's head was smashed.

Yup, it got bloody.

While his brother was fighting, Taehyung brought out a switchblade thingy and turned to you two. "You two run from here. We'll handle them and tell you everything tomorrow. Now go!"

You grabbed your friend's hand, ready to run from there. "Let's go!"

"Wait, what about Jungkook?"

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