Chapter Fifteen

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'Dearest Aurora Sparks,

You are hereby reminded of your invite to join The Saviours and their ranks and help the continued progress towards the new age to take hold of what is to be our destiny and the right path for our kind.

Again, join us as we persevere against the confines of a restrictive government that condemns the very people we are, you must join us as we finally take back our lives, allowing us to finally be who we are and use our gifts the way we should have always been able too.

We are eagerly awaiting your delayed response at the bottom of this letter and look forward to working with you throughout the remainder of the school year.

Denial is strongly discouraged with Rosaline Sparks leaving the Sparks estate in such a wilting state.

The Saviours'

It worries me now more than the first letter did, that the perpetrator of this letter has again gotten into my room and left the letter in plain view of the other's. For a second I wondered whether the other girls have also received letters like this, but I know they would never hide these from me.

Unlike the way I have hidden these from them, because that is the reality of my actions, I have kept these letters to myself despite the fact I should have told someone. Anyone really, about what was found, but the one person I have always wanted to tell is the one person that I haven't been able too.

Jamie and his stubbornness.

Not only did he watch us all out in the rain and neglect to some and join us, re-join this family like he knows he should. He has been mopping around the castle, practically begging for someone to reach out while shutting us all down.

I think my parents might be doing the same thing, because no matter how many times I call to check in the phone rings out and I know it isn't because they are out of the house. There's a difference between them trying to make sure Grandmother is okay, and never being able to get to the phone for even a minute.

Considering we all have magic, I find it severely hard to believe that one can't leave the other for what could possibly be a very short conversation, all I have ever wanted, continue to want. Is to know they're okay.

The thought of what might be happening to the estate hadn't even crossed my mind, in my Grandmother's illness, I know she would fight to keep control of all security measures until the bitter end. Her magic is old, the shields built into the house have woven deep into the ground, but if the foundation rots... what is left to keep them from crumbling down.

I hated more than I wanted to admit to any of my friends, how much rejecting their offer of me coming home hurt. At the end of the day, my parents have always wanted me to make my own decisions, something they have offered to all five of us.

At the end of the day I knew there wasn't any other option, saying no was the only rational answer to give them. There's no way, even if Grandmother attempted, that she could stop us all from coming back to the school when it comes down to us, I guess I just didn't want to hurt her when I don't know how long we have left with her.

Mum and Dad understood, they sounded exhausted and like they wanted to get off the phone as quick as possible every time I called. It definitely had more to do with the fact she is essentially bedbound now, until she goes running around the house looking for things like spoons to help her look into the future.

It's scary to see just how fast someone's mind can go, in just over a year, she is a completely different person to who she was before.

Selfishly this round of pointless calls to the house have a different reason, I want to beg Mum, beg her to take control of the estate by whatever means are necessary and knowing they're alive will be a massive bonus as well. I mean for god-sake, I am getting letters from a cultist community trying to get me to enrol in whatever agenda they have to take over the world.

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