Chapter Two

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It would be utter chaos in my dormitory if we weren't given that map, no tour or verbal directions could have prepared me for just how big this castle is. I think from the outside looking in I was under the impression that despite the glamour things wouldn't be that much bigger. I mean, magic might be magic but surely there are limits to the amount of area you could cover.

I was wrong, I don't like that I was wrong, but I was. The glamour covered more than I thought it would, it looks like a castle that royalty would have lived in many years ago, not a cathedral built in the 1700's that was converted into a base that they used during the war.

I think yesterday I was far too overwhelmed to really take in what is now my home for the next four years, if we don't count summer. The dining hall however big, that I took in last night, doesn't register this morning. The three four length windows at the opposite side of the room, vacant of curtains but still shielding us from the harshest parts of the morning sun as it pours into the room.

This probably sounds absurd, but I find myself continuously baffled by the castle's subtle reliance on magic, I may have grown up around magic but most things that went on in my house, was done the normal way. When we turned thirteen, my parents started teaching us to control our magic, to manipulate magical outbursts to make sure we didn't put anyone in danger.

I can turn off a light, and flick on a kettle, open the cupboard so that I can grab a plate or cup for food or drink. That was only what we were allowed to do, much to Grandmother's disapproval, she wanted us to be learning full-fledged spells at twelve and out of school. I think she was still thinking that she could convince us to home school back then.

When my parents first told me, I would not be following my Grandmother's plans, I was pissed, like seriously mad because I wanted to learn spells and harness my magic, never could I have imagined being one day grateful that my parents kept me in school. Grandmother even helped in the end, but I don't think it covers how horrible she was to all of us about it.

My friendships grew with me and staying in school allowed me to make permanent connections with all the people that make up my chosen family. I also learnt the value of what middle school has to offer, the real-world experience at blending in and being able to assimilate with a culture so different than my own.

After leaving breakfast I came to the conclusion that exploring like Headmaster Prophen said we could, is something that I want to do, if what Jamie was saying is true and the castle is a breeding ground for wizards and witches that want to expose magic to everyone else. If that is seriously something that I have somehow missed, then I want to learn as much as I can about it.

"Charm-works?" Jamie asks me, catching up to me as I leave the dining hall, he looks significantly more put together now that he is in uniform, something I had expected when I found out it was a private boarding school.

His cloak from last night layers, the grey woollen jumper that covers his white button up shirt, shiny black shoes pocking out the edge of his new pants. It's almost identical to mine, except my grey skirt that hangs down past my knees, the only decent way a lady should present herself according to Grandmother Rosaline.

I have seen the way some of the older girls have their skirts and it makes me think that Grandmother's ideals of what makes a lady, a lady, is vividly rooted in her belief that my shoulder or knee will be a hindrance to everyone else's education. I never thought much on whether that was still true, but seeing the way everyone gets along, not even thinking of clothing, has me wondering.

"You're in that class too?" I ask, smiling up at him, even at sixteen he is a couple inches taller than me, though I have always been small.

"Yep, but I heard Elizabeth saying at breakfast that they use this first period to teach us about the differences in hand-magic and wand-works, apparently our magical cores will react differently to the two" He explains, looking over at me as I see our feet walking along the corridors of the map, helping us find the classroom that is conveniently based on the other side of the castle.

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