Chapter Three

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Emma Seten, Peter Cox and Charles Dorman are assholes, I've seen bullies before and I have felt their words on more occasions than one should, it didn't matter to much to some of the kids we used to go to school with if who they chose had friends. What mattered was finding something to pick on someone about, and perhaps we made it easier by being so friend selective, but I really don't get the appeal.

These three are different to them though, I am not sure whether it is our age or maybe the environment. But they talk and act like they have more power than a sixteen-year-old normally would, that could contribute to why there is something about the way that trio carries themselves around the castle that has ticked me off.

Maybe it is the way they walk? I am not entirely sure, but it is definitely a contributing factor to whatever it is that overcomes my senses whenever I see them, I have even thought about bestowing one of Jai and Percy's favourite jinxes at them but have yet to find the guts.

I saw her, the first day we arrived, walking down the corridor towards me when I was looking for our dorm with Liylah and for a moment I thought we could have been good friends, but she dashed that within twenty-four hours.

I didn't think that day in Spell-works, almost two months ago would mean anything for my schooling or relationship with them, I figured she was rude, and someone would put her in her place, but nothing seems to deter her. Not the many vile words that everyone spits back at her, or the clear divide between the people on the opposing sides of her words and the people who ignore the entire thing.

In some ways I think they are just as bad, watching and listening to the back and forth but not saying anything to dispute it, even if the looks on their faces show a clear disdain for it.

She got herself in trouble that first lesson, I'm certain the teacher would have called on her disruptive behaviour at some point during the lesson but something about me being involved as pinned me as her villain. She probably has an inferiority complex, but I can't say for sure what in her life could have caused it, the three of them come from wealthy and respected families. Their families aren't known around where I live but Jamie says the older families have money like my Grandmother, the government paid a lot of people off during the wars.

It was a gamble in the economy but thankfully it paid off, Jai says his family deserved the same treatment even if a little late because they suffered during the war. It just wasn't at the hands the government cared about, Jai says it'll be at least a century before we can say that racism is being washed from the government, Jamie isn't as convinced.

Jamie's dad Fitzgerald is a well-respected man, wealthy and involved heavily in the wizarding community but there are still a huge handful of people that would smile, if he was defeated on the board. I think Jai has hope that the world is full of more people like the one's he has found but Jamie says it isn't realistic.

Grandmother Rosaline says that politics is no place for a woman, I have feelings about what they bicker about, but for once I can't see myself involved in what they're saying.

"Odd isn't it?" Liylah nudges referring to the string of pumpkin cut outs that Elizabeth hung above our door.

"First Halloween away from home and first we won't be trick or treating for, though I might not make it through the day if Percy keeps complaining the way he is"

"I have been itching to try out that transfiguring spell we learnt, I wonder how he would feel about being a pumpkin for Halloween" She muses, walking back through the open door of our dormitory where Elizabeth has finished colouring her blonde hair, red.

It had taken Liylah and I over a week to convince her to dress up, she was sceptical of whether the announcement posted was real and not just a prank the seniors were playing on the freshman. Headmaster Prophen seemed to have gotten enough concerned questions about it, because she confirmed it was a school wide event two nights ago before dinner.

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