Chapter Nine

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Things don't improve greatly in the time that comes after the door carving, the school addressed it as a prank that they investigated and found no reason to believe was from any remaining members of the actual Society. It didn't feel like the end of what happened, nor like a conclusion for what we all went through, maybe it was only two days.

I can guarantee that eighty percent of the school's population was waiting for the next thing to happen, for them to come banging on the doors, or leave sinister messages left in blood on the walls.

The kind of feeling that the castle was left with wasn't fear, but it wasn't elation either. It was kind of like all the defences that surround us tightened their hold, increased in magnitude and haven't taken a breath since, sometimes I think I have forgotten to do the same thing.

It's almost like, the weight of growing up, that I could see coming has hit me all at once and I crave the days I spent mucking around with kids so unlike me, because it felt like nothing mattered back then. I wasn't aware of so many awful things that we face every day for just being born, as if we deserve to be slaughtered for decisions made by people that died so long ago.

I haven't dared confide in anyone around me about the thoughts I had in the days that came after Headmaster Prophen's breakfast announcement. It was a mixture of how can you, sit there and say anyone should die, just because of what they believe in but that sounded silly, childish even.

The sad truth is some people do deserve that, and the people that begin and participate in wars can have no illusions about what happens in one. People die, fighting for what it is they believe in, and I can kind of understand where the Society come from when they say those things.

Why should we have to hide away in shadows and secret communities, glamoured schools and musty alleyways because of something imbedded in our DNA? It's silly, to end up feeling like a freak, when you know you are not one. Even if you were, what would it matter if you loved yourself in the end?

But the thing is, it does matter. Keeping ourselves away from all the people who would tear us a part just for a chance to find a source they could manipulate for their own use, we'd be experiments. A means to total control for the worst kinds of people, because they are going to be the one's able to get all kinds of machines to keep us compliant.

It's bad enough that other magical beings would do that to each other, let alone adding human's into the mix. Keeping ourselves away from human's even the one's in positions of power, especially those one's has become even more important over the years.

The Secret Society fighting for the right to show the world what they're capable just shows a complete lack of care for their own race and what they would face, if revealed. While also going to show that amongst all the pain we would face, they would be waging a war to gain control of human's.

Like a pointless fight, where someone ends up dead and enslaved in the end. Either we lose... unlikely, and they end up dissecting and keeping us as pets, or the more likely option. We win, and now we have a bunch of people, inferior to us in abilities stuck under the thumb of people who are desperate for power and control.

So, I do get it, where they are coming from, I guess most people don't like even giving their ideals a think, if they don't want to join. It is so easy just to say, I don't get why they want to do it.

Hell, I used to be the one saying it. The reality is too awful to think about, but when you do think about it, really try and understand all the horrid things they want to do... well then, everyone assumes you want to be a part of it.

So how do we win? How do they finally be gone for good? Maybe not the ideals, those will always be around, but enough of the people that we don't have to keep waiting for them to come back again.

The Vortex: ProphesiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora