The Truth

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I looked at the tweet in complete and utter shock.

"Y/N are you ok?" Wilbur said.

Ignoring him, I clicked the replies. Probably a mistake. I saw comment upon comment ruthlessly bashing me for things I didn't do. Among the hate, I did see hundreds of comments supporting me and trying to shut down any hate. My eyes scanned the screen and my heart started pumping. My next move was probably one of the worst things I could have done.

I tapped the trending page and saw the top 3 trending hashtags were me.

#1 Trending in the United Kingdom

Y/N neg

#2 Trending in the United Kingdom


#3 Trending in the United Kingdom


I stared at my phone in horror before it was snatched out of my hand. I was brought back to reality and I stared at Wilbur. I hadn't even realized tears had formed in my eyes. I saw Wils eyes flicker over the screen before he turned off my phone and placed it on the table.

He opened his arms and pulled me into a warm hug. I buried my head into his chest and silently cried. He kissed the top of my head and softly ran his fingers through my hair. I heard the boys come down the stairs and I looked up. All three of them look sympathetic and pissed off at the same time.

I knew they had seen the tweet and the way I heard Niki gasp behind me I knew she had just seen it too.

"Are you ok Y/N?" Tommy asked.

"Not really. I mean some random person has just spread complete lies about me on the internet and thousands of people believe it." I said, wiping tears from my cheeks.

I removed myself from Wilburs arms and sat down on the couch. I steadied my breathing and put my head between my hands.

"What do you wanna do about this?" Niki asked as she sat down.

"Well first I'm gonna sleep and then I might stream to clear this up, normally I wouldn't but with the number of people who believe it and how serious some of the topics are I'm going to have to," I said, getting up.

I walked upstairs and flopped down onto my bed. And without another thought, I fell asleep.

--Time skip--

I woke up and immediately remembered the tweet from earlier. I sighed and got out of bed. No point in trying to hide from the inevitable. I was about to turn on the stream when Tubbo came into the room.

"I was just coming to check to see if you were awake, and you are, so Wilbur wants to know if you want us to sit with you through the stream, for support," Tubbo said.

I smiled and agreed. I turned on the starting soon screen and waited for everyone to come up. Once everyone was upstairs I removed the starting soon screen and turned on the facecam. Ranboo was out of view on my bed.

"Umm hey guys... so I know most of you would have seen the post on Twitter and that's what I'm going to be addressing today. Please be careful while watching this stream as I will be talking about some very serious topics that may trigger some people" I started.

I took a deep breath and Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"First things first, yes me and Wil are dating. We have been for a few weeks. Please do not dig into our private lives though, we wanted to keep it a secret for a little while longer but it's out there now and there's no point in lying to you guys. Also, I am absolutely not using Wilbur, Tommy, or Tubbo. I like Wilbur for the person he is. He has been there for me through some very tough times and he is one of the nicest people I know. I absolutely am not using them to pay for the house. We all collectively agreed to split the payment and one of the reasons I took up streaming was to help pay for the house. Next, I absolutely am not ever planning on hurting Wilbur. He is the sweetest person ever and I would never do that to him, or anyone. The tweet states that I have cheated on all my boyfriends and used them. This is horribly incorrect. I have only ever had one boyfriend before Wilbur, we were in a forced relationship and he was an incredibly disgusting and horrible person. I was seeing someone for a bit but they ended up having bad intentions so I immediately left. That's all I will say about that part. Thirdly, I think this is the third I don't even know anymore, I never once groomed or manipulated Tommy or used him for clout. We meet when I was on a walk and he was walking his dog. We lived a few streets away from each other and despite the age gap, we did become friends. Tommy wasn't even a streamer when I met him. I became friends with him because he was one of the brightest lights in my life and he always made my day by making jokes and helping me through some of the toughest times of my life. Tommy has always been there for me and I could never repay him for his kindness. Now about me being kicked out. I decided to move out on my own and my parents were not happy with that. I wanted to escape them. They were incredibly toxic and abusive and I needed to get out of the house. They threatened me daily and they tended to get very physical. They are now in jail for their actions. Lastly about my brother."

I took a deep breath as this had always been a touchy subject, even after all these years.

"My brother had a medical condition that no one knew about until it was too late. He was taken to hospital while he was at school when he was 7 as he stopped breathing. He died in hospital before we got to say goodbye, and to this day it still affects me"

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sniffled.

"It's up to you whether you believe me or not, but I promise everything I have said is 100% true. I love you all, goodbye" I said before ending the stream.

I took a deep breath and everyone quickly wrapped me in the tightest hug ever. I couldn't keep it in any longer so I let it all out. I clung onto Wilbur and sobbed into his shirt. Everyone pulled away from the hug and Wilbur held me tighter. Once again he combed his fingers through my hair, which managed to slightly calm me down.

"Hey, it's ok, you did amazing and if people don't believe you then they're in the wrong, I got the tweet taken down so now you can just relax and maybe take a few days off of the internet. He said.

All I could do was nod. We stayed in the same position for a while before Wilbur said he would go get me some food. He left the room and Niki soon came in.

"You love him don't you," She said.

I was taken aback by the straightforwardness.


"I can see the look you get in your eyes every time you see him, how your mood lifts when he's in the same room as you. You get all giddy when talking about him. That looks like love to me" She explained.

I thought about it for a moment.

Did I love Wilbur?


Was I going to tell him?





1280 words

Heyy y'all I'm back. I don't know what to write so I hope you have an amazing day/night and DON'T FORGET TO EAT, DRINK, TAKE YOUR MEDS, AND HAVE A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. I love you so much. <3

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