Happiest Place On Earth

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"Y/N wake up, we're here" Wilbur whispered while lightly shaking me awake.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw people grabbing their bags. Wilbur passed me my bag and we waited till it was our turn to get off the plane.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were ahead of us and everyone else had already gotten off. We made it through the door and went down the tunnel thing.

We arrived in the main building where everyone was waiting for us. As a group, we all walked over to the baggage collection and waited for everyone's luggage. Once it finally came around we waited outside for our Ubers.

Our Ubers arrived and we all split off into different groups. Of course, I was with Wilbur and the gremlins minus Tubbo.

"Wilbur, did we just leave the dog all alone in Britain?" I asked slightly panicked.

Wilbur's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. I started panicking.

"Just kidding, Tommy's mum offered to look after him while we are away" He laughed.

I let out a large sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

The drive to the Airbnb didn't take too long. All the cars arrived at the same time and we all got our suitcases out of the back and headed inside.

The house was fucking massive and very clean. It wouldn't be staying like that for very long. We all rushed off to call dibs on what bedrooms we wanted. Me and Wilbur ended up sharing a room with a balcony. I put away all my things and joined everyone downstairs. We were all very jetlagged so we decided to do a movie night.

Dream and Sapnap went out to buy snacks and the rest of us drew random names out of a bag to see who could pick the movies. The three names drawn were Me, Jack, and Quackity. I chose F/M, Jack chose Coraline and Quackity chose fucking Chicken Little. I laughed at the suggestion.

Dream and Sapnap returned with bags filled with sweets, crisps, and drinks. They were set out on the table and we turned on my suggestion.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and only about a quarter of the snacks were gone. I did see Wilbur with a big pile of sweets hiding under the pillow. I snickered and returned my focus back to the movie. When the movie was over we watched Coraline.

Overall it was a pretty good movie. Last was Chicken Little. Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap started getting giddy and excited.

"What's up with you guys?" I asked.

"We watch this movie over discord at least once a week, we know pretty much all the words" Karl bragged.

"How fun" Techno mumbled.

The movie started and sure enough, the three boys knew every single word.

To be fair it was quite entertaining watching them re-enact some of the scenes.

By the time the movie was over, Niki, Bad, and Tubbo were knocked out cold. Everyone else decided they were going to go to bed as well. I head to my room with Wilbur following slowly. I quickly got dressed and got under the covers. The bed shifted and I felt Wilbur beside me. He wrapped an arm around my torso and I heard him mumble a quiet 'goodnight' before drifting to sleep. I was asleep not too long after.

I was woken up to Quackity blasting loud Spanish music on a speaker.

"Why the fuck can't I sleep in?" I asked.

"Because we're going to Disneyland bitch" Quackity shouted above the music.

I shot up with my mouth wide open.

He was the one // Wilbur soot x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon