The Icing On The Cake

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"Y/N, Y/N, we're home" I heard Wilbur whisper softly.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal we were in fact in the driveway. I opened the car door and struggle to get out. My legs had fallen asleep so walking was difficult. Wilbur saw me wobbling around so he quickly wrapped his arm around my back to stabilize me. I eventually got feeling back in my legs and he let go.

We made our way into the house and we were met with the boys in a massive fort with disco lights lighting up the room.

"Ohh welcome back you two lovebirds," Said Niki nervously.

"What the fuck" I said.

"I tried to stop them but I mean, they're them" Niki tried to explain.

"Why would you do this without me?" I finished.

Niki's face went from nervous to confused as I rushed over to the fort and opened the door.

The boys looked worried at first but they soon turned into looks of happiness.

"Whos disco light is this and why have we never used it?" I asked.

"It's mine" Ranboo replied.

"So your not mad at us for making a huge mess?" Tubbo said.

"I mean as long as you guys clean it up I don't care," I said exiting the fort.

"Well it looks like they had fun," Wilbur said as I walked back over to where the two were standing.

"Niki, you're staying the night right?" I asked.

"I mean if it's ok with you two," She said.

"Of course, you're welcome to stay anytime, we brought a new pull-out bed in one of the offices you can sleep on," I explained.

"Well it's getting kind of late, I'm gonna head to bed," Wilbur said.

"Wil it's only like 9:30," I said surprised.

"I know, I know, but I'm fucking exhausted." He said.

"Ok goodnight" I replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and made his way upstairs.

"Are you tired orr..."

"Absolutely not, I have a little too much energy," Niki said.

"We should make a cake" I suggested.

Niki nodded at the idea and we went into the kitchen. I pulled out all of the ingredients and set them on the table. Niki grabbed the recipe book from the cupboard and opened it to the correct page. We decided on doing a simple chocolate cake. We poured all of the dry ingredients into a bowl and mixed them with the wet ingredients trying to make a minimal amount of mess. We ended up getting quite a bit of flour on our clothes and on the floor but apart from that, we stayed pretty clean.

Once the mixture was ready I grabbed a spoon for each of us and dipped it in the mixture to taste it. It tasted phenomenal and I could have easily eaten the rest of it but decided that it probably wasn't the best idea.

After putting the cake in the tin and setting it in the oven we sat at the table and talked.

"So how did the date go?" Nikia sked.

"It was amazing, the food was really nice," I said, leaving out the part where I thought I was being watched.

Niki could tell something was off though,

He was the one // Wilbur soot x readerWhere stories live. Discover now