Mickey and Friends

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After the firework show, we all headed to the bungalows where we were staying and found our rooms. I was exhausted from the day and I wanted to get to sleep as soon as possible. I pulled on my pajamas and jumped onto the soft bed. Wilbur followed me behind quickly. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy were going to be sharing the other room.

We both got under the covers and I buried my head into Wilbur's chest.

"Thank you for today" I mumbled sleepily.

"Of course sweetheart" He replied softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

And with that, I fell asleep with butterflies tingling in my stomach.

I was woken up to Tubbo jumping on the bed excitedly.

"Wake up we all wanna go back" He half-shouted.

"Ughh 5 more minutes" I groaned.

Suddenly I felt someone standing above me

I slowly opened one eye and saw Tommy smirking. He reached down and started tickling me. I started squirming and laughing uncontrollably.

"Stoppp" I laughed.

I ended up falling off the bed and onto the floor.

"Tommy stop or I'll drown you in the pool outside" I threatened.

He immediately stopped and bolted out of the door. Wilbur had been up for a while before the boys came in so as soon as he heard me shouting he ran into the room and stood next to Ranboo who was recording the whole thing.

They both snickered and left the room. I got a notification on my phone and sure enough, Ranboo had posted the video. I groaned and got off the floor and got dressed before going out to the living room.

The boys were ready and as soon as I got into the living room I heard our door burst open. Quackity and Karl ran into our bungalow screeching like bats.

"Come on guys let's go" They shouted.

We all followed them out the door where we met everyone.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road" Dream said while clapping his hands like a middle-aged dad.

--Mini Time Skip--

We found ourselves back at the centre of the park where we split up last time. This time everyone went in pairs. Of course, I went with Wilbur. We decided on going straight to Tomorrowland because we didn't get there yesterday.

"Wilbur we need to go on Space Mountain first," I said pointing out the well-known ride.

"Well duh," He said with a grin on his face.

We were waiting in line for what felt like ages. Once we were are the front we got into our carts. Wilbur was right behind me. The ride started and instantly I was excited.

And the ride did not disappoint.

"That was awesome," I said as we hopped out of our carts.

Wilbur nodded his head in agreement.

"What next?" I asked.

"How about the Astro Orbiter" Wil suggested.


We walked over to it and once again waited in line. This one was significantly shorter than the space mountain line. We were only waiting for around 15 minutes before we were let onto the ride.

--Another Small Time Skip--

As soon as he got off the ride Wilbur ran over to a nearby bin and threw up.

He was the one // Wilbur soot x readerWhere stories live. Discover now