Coffee Shop

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NOTE: Y/O = Your order

Tubbo and I looked over to Wilbur who looked horrified. He immediately skated over to us with wide eyes. Me and Tubbo were laughing so hard we were clutching our stomachs.

"I'm assuming this is your doing?" Wilbur asked embarrassed.

"Of course it's not Wilbur I would never do such a thing" was all I could manage before I started laughing again.

Tommy skated over to us and started sing with the song. It wasn't long till we were all screaming the lyrics probably a little too loudly. We were all grinning madly by the time the song was finished.

We left a little while after that. It was around 3pm when we got home and saying I was exhausted was an understatement. I knew my legs were going to be sore tomorrow. I was about to drift to sleep when I heard my phone ding.


Hey I know we only met today but I wanted to get to know you more. Do you wanna meet for some coffee or something tomorrow?

I smiled at the message. He was really cute and he seemed nice enough.

Sure! What time were you thinking?

Maybe around 12 ish?

Awesome I know a nice coffee shop down (random street) if you wanted to try that?

Of course. I'll see you tomorrow :)

I couldn't stop smiling. I was definitely excited for tomorrow. My eyes started to get heavier and heavier until they finally closed.

I was awoken by Tommy screaming outside of my door. I checked the time on my phone and it read 5PM. I got up and went to my door.

"Do you wanna stream with us?" He asked.

"Depends, what did you have in mind?" I asked curiously.

"Well... we thought it would be funny to do your makeup," Tommy replied.

I laughed and agreed to streaming. We decided to stream on my account since I hadn't streamed since my incident with Elenia. I opened StreamLabs and clicked Go Live.

The stream started and everyone gathered around on the floor with my bag of makeup in front of everyone. We talked to chat a little bit, thanking subs and donos then we finally got onto my makeup. Tubbo lifted a bottle of foundation from the bag. I cringed a bit when I saw it. I never wore foundation and it was probably old. Tubbo saw my face and immediately put the bottle down. Wil picked up a smaller bottle of concealer. I wasn't allowed to help them with any instructions so all I could do was sit there and let them figure things out.

Wilbur took the wand thing out of the bottle and put a little bit on my face. Not quite in the right places but I didn't expect this to be perfect. He rubbed it in using his hands despite me telling him not to. Tubbo pulled out a blush pallet. He grabbed a brush put it all over my cheeks.

"Hey, you look like that when Wil flirts with you" Tommy laughed.

My cheeks went an even brighter pink and I covered my face with my hands. Chat was having a good time.

"Shut the fuck up Tommy or I'll put spiders in your pillowcase" I threatened.

Wil grabbed some eyeshadow and dusted a bit over my eyelids. I couldn't lie it looked like shit. Tommy grabbed the eyeliner and I immediately got worried.

He was the one // Wilbur soot x readerWhere stories live. Discover now