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Six cuts into the skin of my wrist.

The progress of 8 months down the drain. It was hopeless. I was hopeless.

They didn't care about me. They wouldn't care if I followed the letter's instructions.

But they would. And I knew that. Tommy would be worried sick, Tubbo would be upset and Wilbur would feel like it was his fault.

I open the cupboard and grabbed the first aid kit. I cleaned the cuts and bandaged them up.

When that was done I stuck my head out the door and made my way back to my bedroom without anyone noticing. My cheeks were still wet from tears but my eyes were dry. I had no tears left to cry. I felt like a failure. I went back to the letter and read it over and over. My mind began wandering. What would happen if I went to my parent's house. What would happen if I didn't. Well, I knew the answer to that.

I just spent the rest of the day lying in bed thinking of different scenarios. Tubbo popped in and left me a plate of dinner and left. He knew I wanted to be alone and he respected that. I ate a bit but didn't feel like too much. I just couldn't stop thinking. After a while, I decided I would sleep on it.

When I woke up it was bright and early at 4am and I had my decision. I walked around my room grabbing clothes and any other essentials. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fridge. As I was about to leave I made a last-minute decision. I grabbed some paper and a pen and started writing.

When I was done I put it on the bench and left. It was 5am and by the time I got to the bus stop, it would only be a 15-minute wait. I started my walk and plugged in my headphones. While the music was blasting through my ears I couldn't stop thinking.

Would I ever come back? Would they come looking for me? Would I live through this? Would they live? What did my parents want from me? What did Elenia want?

I shook the thoughts from my mind and focused on the music playing. I came closer to the bus stop and became very nervous. Was I really about to do this? Yes. I came to the bus stop and sat on the bench. I was the only one here as it was only 6:49am.

I saw the bus pull up so I stood up and walked on. I chose a seat near the back and kept listening to my music. There was no going back now. This was really happening. The bus pulled away from the stop and started the long journey towards my old house. The music kept me distracted for most of the ride until I got a message from an unknown number.

See you soon.

I was pulled back into reality. I knew exactly what it meant. Panic starting to set in. What the fuck was I doing. We could have gone to the police, they might not have done anything, but now I'm on a bus ride driving to my possible death. I regretted my decision but I couldn't go back now. I was doing this to keep my friends safe.

Every time the bus slowed down I looked up from my phone only to realize we were stopping for people to get on. After about an hour of slow driving and multiple stops, I recognized that we were only a few towns away. My heart started racing and my head started spinning. Only about 15 minutes to go. it was 7am and I was wondering if Wilbur had woken up and seen my message.

After about 18 minutes I arrived in town. I got off at my spot and calculated about a 20-minute walk to my parent's house. I started walking and with every step, I took my heart sank a little lower into my stomach.

Wilbur pov

I woke up with a bad feeling. It was only 6:30 and I had only gone to sleep about 2 hours ago. I was filled with regret after yesterday. I promised to protect her, only for her to almost be raped again. I shouted at her. She probably thinks I hate her. She probably hates me. I got up and went down to the kitchen for water to help clear my mind. I noticed a slip of paper on the bench but I ignored it. I grabbed my water and went back to bed.

When I woke up again it was to the sound of someone pounding at my door.

"Wilbur wake the fuck up"

It sounded like Tommy but he was crying?

I quickly opened my door and saw a distressed-looking Tommy at the door holding a piece of paper.

"Tommy, what happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Just read" Tommy sobbed, holding out the paper.

I took it from his hand and started reading.

Hi Wil, Tommy, and Tubbo.

I'm really sorry if this upsets you but I've gone back to my parents' house. I promise this was not my decision but I am doing this to protect you. I recently got a message telling me to return or else you would be killed. I really am sorry but I have already left and by the time you read this I am most likely already there. I'm not sure for how long or if I will even make it out, but I want to let you guys know that I will love you forever and I will always be with you. I may make it out but chances are it's not going to end well. Promise me you'll always be there for each other and always check up on each other. I love you so much and I hope to see you again someday.


P.S. Wil I promise this isn't your fault. I've decided to do this to protect you. Don't miss me too much. <3

I dropped the letter and my hands started shaking.

"We can't lose her Tommy," I said with tears falling down my cheeks.

"I know, Tubbos lost it, he's not taking this well," Tommy said.

I ran into her room and sure enough, sitting on her bed was a note. I quickly read over and suddenly understood how dangerous the situation really was.

"We have to get her," I said.

"Wilbur that's a death wish. If we show up there they'll kill us." Tommy said.

"Well, we have to do something. Whether you like it or not I'm going." I decided.

"Wilbur ple-"

"Tommy, I can't let her get hurt again," I said shakily.

"WILBUR! I'm coming with you, I've known her longer please let me" He begged.

"Ok, Tommy but we have to be careful," I said.

Y/N Pov

I finally made it to the driveway. I nervously walked up to it. I couldn't show my parents how I was truly feeling. I came to the door but before I could knock something was put over my head, blocking my vision and I fell to the ground with a thud.


1191 words.

I'm sorry for taking a while to update. School started again and I'm stressing a lot right now so I'm really sorry if chapters are a little slower but I will try to update at least twice a week. Also, I feel like I'm dragging this story on a bit so I promise in the next few chapters we will be getting a lot more Y/N and Wilbur content but I still have a lot of stuff planned. But anyway, I love you all so much and you all are so fucking amazing. DON'T FORGET YOU ARE SO VALID AND APPRECIATED. YOU ARE INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME AND YOU ARE LOVED. Please remember to eat, drink, sleep, and take your meds. I appreciate you for clicking on this story and I hope you have an amazing day/night. <3

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