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- 4 Day time skip - (30th of December)

I can't believe there are only 2 days left of the year. It has definitely been a rollercoaster, to say the least. I was just happy I could spend the new year with my friends. Ranboo was set to go home on the 4th and get his stuff and he was to return on the 6th. We were going to have to move Tommy's stuff into Tubbos room as he had a bigger room but we would do that when the time comes.

Wilbur broke me out of my thoughts when he pulled me from the couch and dragged me into his room.

"I messaged my band and they said they would love to help out with our song" Wilbur smiled.

I smiled back excited knowing that it was nearly done.

"We can go to the studio on the 5th and record most of it and then go back sometime later in the week and finish it" Wil explained.

"That's perfect" I replied.

For the next hour or so we practiced the song, changing chords and adding new lines. I was really happy with it.

"Are we doing anything for New Year's?" I asked while resting my head on Wils lap.

"I don't think so, just chilling, we could have a party?" He suggested.

"I guess that could be fun" I agreed.

Wilbur started playing with my hair, combing it through his fingers.

"You really are perfect" He mumbled.

I blushed at the words

"Far from it," I said.

"What do you mean?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm a mess Wil, I've been through so much shit that's fucked me up for probably the rest of my life" I explained. "If I didn't have you guys I would be long gone by now." I finished.

Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes but I didn't let any fall.

"Don't say that Y/N, you are so incredibly strong, and yeah you have been through fucked up shit but that's what makes you, you. You're such a caring person and you always try to make the best out of any situation, you've gone out of your way to protect us. We don't expect any of this out of you but you do it anyway. You take care of us every day and we can't thank you enough, we are so lucky to have you, I couldn't ask for a better person" Wil said.

I let a few tears fall. Wilbur quickly rubbed his thumb across my cheek to get rid of them.

"It's ok Y/N" He started.

"Wil these are tears of happiness, you guys make me so unbearably happy and I would do anything to make sure you're safe and happy, you guys are family," I said.

Wil wrapped me in a tight hug and we stayed there for a while. Wil's hugs were the best. They made me feel safe. We eventually got up and headed to the backyard.

There was an outdoor sofa and some armchairs on the patio, the pool was quite big but we hadn't utilized it much, there's a massive area of grass and a small garden that had dead flowers scattered everywhere. I made a mental note to do some gardening over the summer.

We sat on the sofa and talked about whatever came to our minds while taking in the fresh air. After a while, the boys came out and joined us. With them they brought snacks. They sat on the remaining chairs and we opened a bag of sour patch kids.

"We should gamble the sour patch kids," Tommy said mischievously

"And how would we do that Tommy?" I asked.

"Well two people go head to head next to the pool and we place bets on who we think survives the longest" He explained.

"What do you mean survives the longest?" Wilbur enquired.

"Whoever gets pushed in the pool loses and whoever voted for the winner gets all the betted sour patch kids," Tommy said.

We all agreed and Tommy and Wilbur went first. Me and Ranboo betted 5 sour patch kids each on Wilbur, and Tubbo put in 5 for Tommy.

The fight started and Wilbur was dangerously close to falling in when he suddenly swung Tommy into the pool instead. Tommy emerged from the water spewing curse words at Wilbur who was hopping around happily. Next, it was me and Tubbo. He ran towards me but I tripped him and he lost his balance. While he was regaining his balanced I easily pushed him into the pool. I saw Ranboo smile and take his winnings and I sat back down.

After a few rounds, we decided that me and Wilbur would be the last round. Everyone had been in the pool but him. He was about to push me in when I wiggled out of his grasp and ran behind him. He spun around and as he did I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. He stopped and I pulled him closer. Our faces came closer and closer. His breathing was a lot heavier. His hands were on my waist. I contemplated actually kissing him but I decided against it. I quickly pushed him backward and he tripped over his feet and into the pool. I threw my hands up in celebration and once again Ranboo was handed all of the sweets.

"At least someone has faith in me" I laughed.

Wil got out of the pool and I handed him a towel. All of our clothes were drenched and we were shivering. I had won around 15 sweets, Ranboo had won half the bag and the others had whatever was leftover. We all went back inside and showered to warm up.

I saw Wilbur walking out of the bathroom and told him I was going to bed as it had gotten quite late. We said our goodnights and I went into my bedroom. I fell asleep excited for our date tomorrow.


995 words

I hate this chapter but it was just a filler. Also, I am in tears cos I've just found out that tomorrow is Ranboo's last stream in the UK. But anyway YALL ARE VALID AS FUCK AND YOU DESERVE THE WORLD. You are so appreciated and loved and I can't thank you enough for reading this. Remember to eat, drink, take your meds, and have a good night's sleep. <3


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