♤ Thirty - Six ♤

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"Finally, you're back." I almost jump into Violets arms, when she walks through the front door. And I almost kiss her. In front of my parents. Luckily, I do not. Though, I already know, I will do so, the second we are alone.

"Was it that bad?" She whispers into my ear and I nod.

Unable to utter a single word about how dreadful the wait of her arrival was and my parents keeping me company was even worse.

"Then let's get this dinner over with and stay in the room until tomorrow. Sounds good?" I nod another time and as planned, we sit down at the table and try to endure the almost unbearable silence.


Literally nothing changes the next day. Quite boring without any drama, just my parents being a nuisance.

I just take a longer walk though my hometown, avoiding to go straight home.

On the third day, Violet tells me, that she is nearly done with her client. So the last day, she is gone for about one and half an hour. While she is away, I pack us a picnic basket to surprise her.

I am going to take her out on another date, where I also show her my favorite place I have always visited when I was younger.

My parents dont seem to suspect anything, so I keep my calm and tell them, that Violet and I won't have lunch with them.

"Well, where are you too going to eat? You have to eat something, since your train already departs at six." My Dad states.

"Of course, I just decided we are going to have a little picnic. I wanted to enjoy the last day here." I bite my lip, silently hoping, they do not notice how I indirectly state, that I did not enjoy my time with THEM.

"Alright, remember you still have to pack your things before you leave. Don't take too long with your little date." Mom says with a hinted smile on her lips.

Date?! Did she just.....do they know?!

"I am joking, of course she is your friend. Unless you secretly meet with a boy later instead of Violet. You can tell us sweetie. We would be happy to see you finding your lover."

If you would really look at me...if you would notice how I admire her....you'd know my lover already.

"I am not meeting a boy. In fact I don't want to..."
Stopping myself last minute, my parents look confused, waiting for the end of my sentence.

But I leave it as it is and just tell them, I have to go now, otherwise Violet has to wait.

With that, I quickly grab the basket and put on my shoes. Shortly after, I am already out the door.


"And I almost spilled the secret. I will never say a word about it to my parents."

Violet nods but already asks me another question.
"Why not? Don't you want them to accept you as you are, so that you can finally be yourself even in their presence?"

"Valid points, but I couldn't endure the pressure and hatred I would experience. I know how my parents are, I saw that everyday in my youth. Their looks when we met people, who are just slightly....'different' in their view. Yes, we will be gone after today, but who can be sure, they won't spread rumors, which could reach our town. Your job could be at risk and I don't even have one. And I wouldn't even have to try to apply on jobs, when those rumors would exist about me. Those thoughts are horrifying and we...I can't risk it by simply telling them I will probably never marry a man." It feels like a relief to get all this out at once.

And I also feel out of breath, since we walk up on a hill right now.

Violet does not answer until we make it to a less steep path through the trees.

"I understand your worries. I did not mean to push you or pressure you to come out to your parents. It is already hard enough to bear them. I'm sorry, love."

I stop in my tracks and turn my full attention on her.
"I know you did not mean it that way. Just had to get all this off of me. I feel much better, no worries, sunshine." I smile and take her hand in mine.

"Let's leave the negativity behind, I want to show you a part of this hill, where we have a beautiful view on the town and beyond."
Violet responds with a bright smile, clasping my hand tighter and beaming at the pet name I gave her just now.


【Our First Dance】ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ᴱᵛᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵈᵉⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now