♤ Twenty - Two ♤

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To my unfortunate, the bushes I land in have many thorns.

I do not fall very deep, but the thorns dig into my skin harshly anyways.

Without hesitation, I jump out and sprint into the little forest on the property of the Academy.
When I am sure, Amy isn't following me, I climb up on a tree and sit down on a huge branch. In fact, it is quite comfortable, when I finally pulled out every thorn, getting rid of the only cause of pain.

A big sigh of relief leaves my body and I relax for a moment. Here and there I have red dots, but the blood isn't dripping out or anything.

I will probably miss some classes. But I can just tell them I got sick. I don't have any exams today, luckily.

Another sigh left and I pull out some already open envelopes.

God, I can't imagine Amy getting a grip on these and sending an awful letter to Violet. It might be better to get rid of them, but I want to keep them for some reason. I feel like, I would betray Violet, if I destroy the only things she left me.

Suddenly, I recognize one special letter upon them. The one, she personally wrote for me, to give it someone else. No address or name in the first line, but I already know, which one will go there.

Anyways, I can't send it now. To early.

I hide the envelope in my bag again and lean back on the tree trunk, feeling the hard wood through my clothing.

Nearby, I suddenly hear yelling and shouting, which seems to be from Amy and her friends. This time there are more people, I guess she brought two more with her.

"How could she slip away like that?! It is not like, she is good enough to outrun us." Amy cries out.

Holding my breath, I watch them searching for me. I almost start laughing, when they are too stupid to just look up and into the trees.

But I keep quiet and just wait a few more minutes, since they give up pretty easily.

After I make sure, they are gone, I climb down from the tree. Fortunately, just a few scratches appear on my skin and my clothes got little dirt on them, but no other damage, besides the little dots the thorns already have left.

Getting rid of the dirt with my hands, I walk through the wood and back to the window I came out of earlier.

Obviously, I won't go through the whole building again, to get to my dorm room, with the risk, Amy spots me again and another round of tag begins.

No no no, one time is already enough!

Determined, I find a way to bring myself up the wall and safely into my room, closing the window behind me.

A frustrated groan leaves my throat, when I see my door laying on the floor in pieces.


Days passed and I was lucky, the facility manager of the Academy had a door, that fit into the frame. So on that same day, I already had the emptiness replaced.

Luckily, no teacher or headmaster was informed about the situation, since it was solved so fast and I didn't have to go through explaining everything.

Even though it would have been a satisfaction to expose Amy and her friends like this. But it's only a few weeks until I won't see her again, so why starting more drama.

Today, I received another letter. I am already sitting at my desk and break the familiar seal of the envelope.

Dearest Y/N,

For your travel to my residence, I'm planning on sending you the train tickets in one of my last letters. Before that, you should just tell me, on what day and time you will be able to leave, so I can arrange that for you. We can meet at the train station, when you arrive.

Your sudden question surprised me, since I haven't heard anything from Amy. But I am glad, she doesn't bother you.

Well, for now, I wish you a great week, since I probably won't be able to answer, for the next days. I will be traveling around a lot, so I can be there for you, when we meet. Just send me the information according the plan, if you agree to it, of course.

~ Violet Evergarden

Well, the situation with Amy has changed a little by now.
The past days, she kept trying to get a grip on the envelopes, almost convinced the woman at the counter, she was the rightful owner of the letter.

To my fortune, it was one of the women, who already has seen me and recognized the name.

Today is pretty quiet until now and it is already afternoon, which surprised me.

When I finish thinking about, how to answer Violet, I begin writing on a paper.

Dearest Violet,

I agree to the plan and thank you for taking over the arrangement. In exactly nine days, I am allowed to leave. Since we will receive the final documents and goodbyes from the headmaster and teachers in the morning, I should leave around the midday. You can choose any time around noon, that fits in our plan.

It's a shame that you can't answer, but stay safe on your trips and travels. Good luck onwards.

~ Y/N

I decide not to tell her the unnecessary things about Amy. I can handle her tantrums pretty well by now.


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