♤ Twenty - Seven ♤

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The house looks really cozy and it's bright blue door really stands out. After passing the gate, we walk up the few stairs to the door and an elderly woman opens it.

"Hello Violet. Welcome home, dear."
She smiles and Violet greets her too.

Then her brown eyes land on me and I put on a friendly smile.

"Hello Ma'am, my name is Y/N L/N. I am a friend of Violet. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"No need to be so formal. You can call me Tiffany."
I agree and she steps away from the door to let us inside.

"Violet told me about your arrival and I am happy to give you a place to stay at for a while."

She is a really nice lady and I thank her for letting me stay here. Unfortunately she has to go, but will return at dinner time.

We say our goodbyes and Violet shows me the room I am going to stay in.

"All my things are already here!" I expected them to be downstairs somewhere, but they really treat me good inhere.

"Do you want to know where my room is as well? Just....in case you need me for anything so you know where to find me." Violet asks and I agree of course.

Her room is just down the hallway and very plainly furnitured. Necessities as a bed, a closet and a little shelf on the wall, but nothing more.

The window on the opposite side of the room has a wide view over the town and the land beyond it.

"You are probably really tired. I will help Mrs. Evergarden in the kitchen. You can rest until dinner and I can get you, when it's ready."

"Okay, thank you. I will be in my room then." I Reply and we step out to the hallway, parting ways, as i go to my room and she goes downstairs.

These People are so nice! I am sad, even thinking about leaving them, just to visit my parents.

Deciding to take a realxing bath, I also take out my book I brought with me.
While bathing, I read it and I can already feel my Body relax. After the long walks and stressing about the memories of my parents, my Body had gotten stiff, which I just notice now.

A long sigh escapes and I relaize, that reading is not possible, when my brain won't shut for the time.

So I lay it on a shelf near by and duck my head underwater, while holding my breath.

Hearing Nothing but my heartbeat and feeling all floaty. Not Opening my eyes helps the feeling.

I automatically see faint pictures in front of my closed eyes. My brain trying to fill the darkness.

I notice most of these pictures show either Violet standing right infront of me and coming closer and closer or my parents looking at me in disappointment and disgust.

Sometimes I can even hear their words.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to end our family?!"

"This isn't about you and your stupid phase! You're ruining everything!"

Suddenly, a few knocks at the door make me jump and I quickly breath the thick and steamy air in the bathroom.

"Y-yes?" I answer hesitantly.

"I just want to let you know, that dinner is almost ready. You were in there pretty long." Violet states and I can hear her footsteps walking away from the door and probably towards the stairs.

That is my cue to get out of the water.
As fast as I can, I dry and change myself in the little bathroom, before I begin to shiver from the coldness coming in.


【Our First Dance】ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ᴱᵛᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵈᵉⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt