♤ Thirty - Five ♤

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"Well, you did not warn for nothing, when you said, your parents are rude. That was certainly not a very happy reaction."

Violet states, when the door to the room shuts close.

I don't say anything. Seeing my parents again and their reaction has made my day worse, right now. But for now, I am very glad, Violet is with me and I am not alone on this.

That is such a relief.

While being all caught up with my thoughts, my girlfriend suddenly hugs me from behind.
Her arms snake their way around my waist and I feel her breath against my neck, when she snuggles closer to me.

Our breathing slowly falls into a rhythm and I calm down, just by her touch. No words needed.

"Let's stay calm and relax a bit, before we endure their stares again."
She whispers and I nod, while I close my eyes and melt into her loving touch.

The remaining time, we cuddle on the bed and plan ahead, what we want to do the next days.

First we plan on going on a little walk after dinner, before returning to bed.

Tomorrow, we have time until 1pm, to walk through the town, maybe buy some things and then I will take Violet to her client. She says, her job will probably take some days, but she will always come home at 8pm and I will obviously always await her arrival.

I just have to survive the days with my parents. I did that for many years, so a few days can't be that difficult.


I was so wrong. As soon as I am back home, after I took Violet to her client, my parents already sat at the table, staring at me.

"Hello, I am back. Do you want something from me?"
I ask them hesitantly.

My mother scoffs, obviously annoyed.

"Of course. We want to talk to you. As good and caring parents, we want to know, how it was in school."

Good parents? Now, all of a sudden?! You could have asked me to come visit you in the holidays the past few YEARS?!

"Of course." I answer my Dad and sit down in front of them. This feels more like a serious meeting rather than a "nice" family meet up.

They look at me with expectant looks on their faces.

So I sigh quietly and begin to talk.

"Well, other than stressful exams and all the learning, I had a normal time, I guess."

What am I supposed to say? I already know, they'd not take me seriously, when I mention the bullying I have experienced.

"Well, the most important thing is, if you finally find someone you want to marry. Marriage is a very important stage in your life." My mom states and I could just roll my eyes at that.

"Don't you give me that attitude. Tell us."
My father says.

"Alright. Well..." I took a second to think about it.

One day, I'd like to marry her. That's for sure.

"Yes, I did find someone."

My mom seems to burst out in exitment, which I have never seen once in the past years, since I kind of came out to my parents.

At first, I have so much hope until they ask the questions.

"Who is he? When will he come visit his future in-laws? We seriously want to meet him."

OF COURSE! How did I actually think, they didn't care about the gender when they asked, if I found 'somebody'?!

"Well- I.... I don't know, it is a very busy person."
I lie.

"Of course, he is probably from the highly regarded in society, yes yes, we accept nothing else."

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes once again, I just stand up and excuse myself from the table.

"Wait, young lady, I am sure you learned some things in your school. For example, being a good housewife for your future husband. So go on and do something around the house."

I want to glare at them, but decide to just do something upstairs. Perhaps dust off the furniture in the rooms. I don't want to do anything too good for my parents.

So I head upstairs, with the intention, not to see my parents again until dinner.


【Our First Dance】ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ᴱᵛᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵈᵉⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now