♤ Eighteen ♤

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Two and a half weeks left. Then I am finished off with school. Unfortunately, I still don't know what to do with myself afterwards, but I hopefully enjoy more freetime than right now.

It's been a few weeks, since I have seen Violet leave the academy and it still bothers me sometimes, though I am sure to get over it eventually.

"Attention, students, attention! We have deliveries for you, which aren't picked up yet. Letters and packages. Please collect the ones belonging to you. Thank you."

I hate those announcements. First, because I almost never have anything delivered to me, but my parents money for the month. And secondly, It still gives me some hope everytime, which is crushed by the usual words: "Sorry, we don't have anything on your name. Step aside please for the other students now."

Maybe...just maybe...today...

See, I have hope again. Perhaps, sometimes a little hope is okay.

I look at my schedule for today and see a little space between two lessons, since the one usually In-between is canceled for today.

I will try to get to the post office of this academy and look for something, that might belong to me.

The plan is set and I go on to my math lesson.


"Hi, I would like to check in, if anything was delivered on the name Y/N L/N." I ask the nice lady at the counter. Behind her are huge shelves stacked with packages big and small. And any kinds and forms of letters that are not picked up yet.

"Let me check first. One moment please." She dissapears between the shelves and I stand there nervously waiting, if it will be the same sentence like last time.

"What is your last name again?" I hear the woman ask and answer by repeating my name again.

"Yes, I have a letter for you." She comes back to the counter and lays it down. "Here you go."

"Thank you." I take the letter and walk to my dorm.

I can't believe I've got a letter. And to top it all off, it doesn't look like the ones my parents send me.
I also remember, that they already send me the money, which was for the clothes, I wore at the ball.

Walking faster until I finally reach the door to my dorm, I enter it and close the door behind me.
I really don't know, why I get so excited and nervous by an unknown letter. It could likely be a threat or prank.

Maybe that is the introvert in me. Or the bookworm, expecting a royal member of some kingdom, marrying me suddenly and living a wealthy life in the castle.

I stop my daydreaming at this point and just open the letter.

The paper is tinted in a slightly brown collar and has a silver wax seal on it. There are two hands on it, which form a symbol that looks like bird wings. On the hands are the letters CH.
Above the hands, I can see three little stars and below is a part of wreath.

Carefully breaking the seal, I open the letter and reveal a folded paper in the same brown tinted color.

I can't wait and open up the paper. It is written in a familiar font. The font of a type machine.

Suddenly, I take the othe paper with the broken wax seal and look at the sender.

"CH postal company located in Leiden." I read outloud. I shrug, since the name doesn't say anything to me.

Dear Y/N,

I decided to write a letter to you and ask how you are doing. If I remember well enough, you must have already finished a few of you exams and I hope the results are in your fortune.

I am sorry, I didn't write sooner. My work at the company has been really busy these days and I had to travel around a lot. Please forgive me.
I am still determined to keep a connection between us and I await your answer soon.
Good luck on further exams and tests.

~ Violet Evergarden

Violet wrote this?!

VIOLET WROTE THIS?! She really send a letter to me?

I check the name on top again and reassure, it isn't just my imagination and the letter isn't for Amy.

As this information sinks in, my heart beats fast and excitement flows through my body.
I jump up from my seat and around the room, finally settling down on my bed and rereading her words.

I should answer her!

Again jumping up, I search for papers and pens, since I don't own a typewriter.

Dear Violet,

Thank you for writing the letter to me, I really enjoy hearing from you. And of course I forgive you, I am glad you send a letter at all.

You are right, my exam phase has begun and I have 2 and half weeks left to finish all of them. Unfortunately I haven't received the results yet, since they only tell us, after every single one is finished. But I have a good feeling for most of them. Thank you for asking.
Your work sounds so interesting to me! Maybe you can tell me something about it? Where did you travel to and what kind of letters were requested? I really like to know and hear from you again sometimes.
I hope we can keep the connection and I await your next letter with excitement.

~ Y/N L/N


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