♤ Ten ♤

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Class ended a few minutes ago and I already run to the bench, where I would meet up with Amy and Violet.

I am the first one to arrive and so I have time to catch my breath and calm down.

It doesn't take them long to arrive after me and I already see the annoyed face of Amy. She suddenly turns around and wants to go, but is stopped by Violet.

They talk with each other, Violet calmly, while Amy looks furious.
Unfortunately, I can't understand their speeches, but Violet can convince her to stay and they continue to walk up to me. We don't sit down, since the tension between us is very high.

"So, I heard you wanted to settle our little fight?" Amy says in an annoyed and disinterested voice.

"Yes. I can understand your feelings for Violet. I also want to stay friends with her, but we should both accept, that she can have more friends than just us." I say and continue, as Amy doesn't reply anything.

"We don't have to be friends, if you don't want to, that is totally fine. We should just settle the fight and threatening. So, will you accept that?" I finish my talk and stretch out my hand for a handshake.

Amy just looks at it in disgust. Violet keeps looking to me and her, but doesn't interupt.

"Okay. It is settled. But I won't shake your dirty hand." Amy says, turns around and just walks away, like nothing happened.

Perplex, I sink my hand and watch Violet, if she wants to leave as well. She stays and smiles.

"That ended good, right, Y/N?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

We end up sitting on the bench and just having a conversation about many things, until I come up with an idea.
"Hey Violet, do you want to go looking for noble clothes I can wear at the ball? And if you haven't found something yet, we can also look for something for you." I suggest smiling at her.

"When do you plan to do that?" She asks politely as ever and I tell her, I will be going on Friday.

"I'm sorry, that is the time, Amy and I are going to do that. You may join if you want to?" I shake my head no.

"No, it is fine, you two have a good time there, I will look by myself or with another friend of mine."

Even though, I don't have many friends, neither really close ones.
But I am sure, Amy wouldn't like me going with them, so I better stay away. I want to go early anyway, maybe we won't even meet there.


The day has arrived. The past four days, nothing much happened, Amy avoided me as much as she could and Violet and I hung out several times, talking with each other or we took a walk.

Today, I am going to the town and look for the clothes I need.

Unfortunately, I haven't found anybody who would want to go with me, since most of the other students already bought their suits and dresses.

Right now, I am on the way a good looking shop, which sells noble clothing.

"Hello, Ma'am, how can I help you today?" I am greeted with a wide warm smile from a woman standing at the entrance.

"Hello. I am searching for some clothes I can wear on a dancing ball. They shouldn't be too distracting while dancing, but still looking good." I explain my wishes.

"Alright, please follow me. I may have something for you." She winks at me and I gladly walk after her, further into the store.

For a long time, I could not decide what I preferred to wear, but I eventually found the most perfect piece of art to wear. Now I am leaving the store and thank the woman for helping me with the outfit.

On the way back, I daydream about the upcoming dance and jump excitedly over rocks and dirt on the road. Careful not to lose the bag with the new bought items.

The adrenaline fills my body and I don't realize how fast I am walking, until I arrive at the front gate of the academy.

( A/N: You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned a word of how your outfit will look like and I actually want to keep it that way. I want you to imagine yourself in your own comforting clothes, whether it is a suit or a dress you want to wear. Writing it like that is kind of difficult, but I hope it doesn't seem weird for you. Lastly: Take care and have fun reading further into the story. Thank you for your support!)


【Our First Dance】ⱽⁱᵒˡᵉᵗ ᴱᵛᵉʳᵍᵃʳᵈᵉⁿ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now