Chapter 20

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November 12,2020

"Do you remember when we promised we wouldn't travel with BTS?" I ask myself looking back at the mirror in the airport bathroom. What am I doing in Florida? another question that pops in my mind while I wait for the girls to finish. Yesterday I had no idea that in less than 20 hours I would be flying across the world in a secret small vacation with the members and their girls. It was all last minute and I haven't had time to fully process it. 

It all started with Tae and his idea to visit his girlfriend. The company had given them 5 days to rest before their comeback and the release of the new album. Tae thought of using that time to go on a quick trip. The trip turned into something else when he told the guys and Namjoon asked if Ella and him could come along. They haven't seen Ella's family in almost a year due to the pandemic and they had been planning a trip for. Ella of course was super excited at the thought since she will be giving birth in a few months and it will be a long time before she can travel again. With Namjoon and Ella going Jimin also asked to come so he could accompany Tae who was nervous of seeing his girl and of course JK invited himself to be with Jimin and Tae. Those 3 are always inseparable. 

Jin joined the group with Min once he heard the others where going. Yoongi who has been recovering incredibly insisted on coming along with Ara and little Mia. Lastly we had Hobi who once he heard of the trip he paid for a private plane so Yoongi could be comfortable and he joined the group saying that Ara would need help with Yoongi who still cant move his arm.  Thats how a secret trip of one member turned into a secret trip off all members. With all 7 members leaving everything had to be done in secret to avoid the news finding out that the group would be overseas. The members planned pictures and different times they would be online to post. They wanted to make sure their fans didn't feel neglected for those 5 days but also keep their trip a complete secret. I helped with forming a schedule for the different post and I was given access to their several social media profiles to continue posting on Korea time. I also helped Hobi find the perfect private plane after calling several companies. He wanted a small one that wouldn't draw attention to itself but big enough that it would be more than comfortable for all of them. Having a toddler and two pregnant passengers was a big concern for him and he wanted to make sure they felt as comfortable as possible. 

I surprised myself at how quickly I was able to set up everything for them specially knowing I had only been an assistant for a few months. I think that day is the most I have worked my whole life. Once I was home I felt exhausted as I had worked for weeks without taking any breaks. When Ella called me yesterday morning to ask if I would come along I have to admit I was in shock. While getting everything ready for them it never crossed my mind that I would go on the trip. I politely refused right away but by the end of the call I knew my words didn't change her mind. 

There were many reasons for my refusal. After I told my dad I was taking my job back he was very upset. I thought of not taking the job after talking to him but I kept thinking of how much the money would help. Eventually he was ok with my decision but it took several days of convincing him. Springing this last minute trip on him was going to be impossible. Now that I think back Ella probably knew this because Ara and her came over to my house shortly after the call to practically beg for me to join them on the trip. My mom noticing how pregnant my two friends were probably thought that they would need my help and she talked my dad and myself into letting me go. I was shocked when my dad agreed and it left me with no other reason I could say for not coming along. 

That night Jimin together with Tae picked me up and we drove to the airport together. I have to be honest I was expecting Hobi when I saw the black SUV outside and my heart sank a little when I saw the guys but at the same time I was happy too see their smiling faces. They picked me up at almost 1 am in the morning which meant my mom and grandma were the only ones to see me off and I hugged them multiple times before I got in the car. Of course the guys couldn't leave without my grandma handing them multiple containers of homemade kimchi she had put together that same afternoon. She always makes enough to feed 100 families and this time I think she was thankful she had, because she gave the guys enough to feed everyone several times. I can still picture how Jimin and Tae's eyes lit up when they saw the enormous amount and they both kissed my grandma excitedly. They thanked her so many times that I had to stop them and remind them of the time. The plane was schedule to take off at exactly 2 am and that time was picked for a very specific reason. That time was the only time the airport was supposed to be mostly empty and the security team wanted to make sure they could avoid as much people as possible. 

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