Chapter 16

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August 31, 2020

It has been 2 weeks since everything happened and I am very excited knowing my dad is finally coming home. The road has been rough but thankfully we are reaching the end. Dad woke up a few days after the accident and to the relief of the doctors and of course our family the lack of oxygen did not affect him in any way. Unfortunately his attitude didn't change. Once he was awake his first words were curses and it took my mom all the strength possible to not slap him out of it. On that day Jun and I visited in the morning and dad was so far from us mentally that he didn't even say any words to us. I think that was the last straw for my mom and as soon as Jun and I were out of the room she had a very hard conversation with dad. She told him he needed to find a way to get out of this depression or she was leaving and taking us with her. She also told him he was free to continue ruining his life but she would not allow for him to ruin her kid's life. He needed to realize that he is a father before anything else and what he did really hurt us. Those words seemed to work and the next day dad was a different person. He was cheerful, playful and smiled like he used to. He had agreed to go to some type of therapy and was very hopeful to go home soon and start his new life.

Today is that day and I can't wait for dad to get here. I woke up early today and by the time grandpa was up I had cleaned the whole house. I just can't hide how excited I am to have my family be complete again. I was supposed to go to work today since the guys have been very busy promoting their new song and music video but Hobi didn't allow me to go to work. As soon as I told him my dad was coming home he told me if I showed at work for any reason he would make me pay. I was very grateful but at the same time the inner woman in me wanted to know what the punishment could be. After we slept together the first time something changed and now we can not take our hands off of each other. When I am at work he will find a way to kiss me or touch me but always being cautious that no one sees us. I am always finding excuses to go see him at the apartment when I know he will be by himself and when we are alone we cant stop being on each other. Last night the apartment was empty since each of the guys had stayed on their other houses. Hobi picked me up in the middle of the night and I saw the sunrise in his arms. To my disappointment those nights are over now that my parents will be home. So I took advantage of our last night together and I engraved his skin on mine. It will be a while before we can be alone again and I wanted to make sure I remember how his touch felt. It was an amazing night and not just for the mind blowing sex but also because we opened a little bit more to each other. Our relationship is very complicated. In public he acts like what he is. My boss. He is demanding, controlling and dominant. In bed he is the same way. When we are alone we usually don't have long conversation the lust we have for each other takes over and becomes more important. He has been rough since the beginning and I don't hate it but sometimes it lack the intimacy that I crave. This is why our relationship will be short lived. But last night he was different and I got to see my favorite side which is his playful and childlike . He told me about his family and how much he loves and cherish them and I told him about mine. It seemed that he wanted to know everything about me by the way he kept asking questions about my past and my parents. I spent hours laying my head on his chest and going on and on about my boring life. Of course he didn't think it was boring.

Those small moments with him have kept me sane through out all this. For some reason I cant yet explain, being in his arms make me feel protected and cared for. When I am in his arms I forget about everything outside his room and his arms are my scape. I could have stayed in his arms until the next sunrise but the guys would be coming that morning and bringing their girls and I didn't want them to see me. It has been hard hiding this relationship from the girls and I feel bad specially after the way they have been acting since all this happened with my dad. They have been my rock and there is nothing I can ever do to repay them. Min has been coming to see my grandparents everyday and offering her help. Some days she is accompanied by Jin and him and my grandpa have become fast friends. I know Jin hates being called old but he truly has an old soul. Him and my grandpa are basically the same person. Ara has helped with Jun a lot these past days and when she takes Mia to the park she will come and pick up Jun. Sometimes she takes him back to her apartment and Jun has taken a liking to Yoongi. Ella has been cooking like a mad woman and like Min and Ara she comes and visits almost everyday. She always comes with full hands and her dishes very from traditional Korean food, to American to Cuban food. My grandparents absolutely love her and my grandma enjoys swapping recipes with her. Namjoon has also joined her some days and every time he comes over he either calls the hospital to check on dad's status or he will do some house work with my grandpa. Its really entraining to see the leader of the biggest boy band in the world change a light bulb. The other guys also come every time they have some free time and they have won my grandparent's heart. I think my grandma might have a small crush on Jimin to my grandpa's amusement. I mean who can blame her Jimin is an earth walking god.

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