Chapter 8

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Hoseok's POV

"To be honest, it's not that big of a goal. It's just, becoming someone valuable to someone else? isn't it meaningful? That's a personal goal of mine"  I said into my phone nervous of the consequences of my words. It was another lonely birthday where I decided to open up to my fans in my short live stream. For a second I said what I was thinking not really knowing what could come up of my one wish. It might have sounded selfish saying that I wanted to find someone that would value me knowing I had millions of fans that felt that way towards me. But  I was finally ready to admit I needed someone in my personal life. For the past 7 plus years I have only concentrated on my career and my love life has taken a backseat. It wasn't difficult since the other member's were going through the same and I didn't feel alone because we had each other's support. All 7 of us had career goals and we all agreed that our career would come first.

Once we started to take off and we felt comfortable with how well we were doing Jin decided to shock us with the news of his secret relationship with Min. I think this was the start of the others realizing that they were finally ready to welcome love into their lives. Namjoon and Yoongi were the next ones to find love. Jin was lucky enough to find someone that complemented him since the very beginning and if they had any issues none of us ever knew about it. Yoongi and Namjoon were a different story. Unfortunately we all watched as Yoongi found someone special but it didn't last long at the time. We also witnessed Namjoon's and Ella's love story and their crazy ups and downs. I have to admit it scared me to live their heartbreak. I saw how two of my stronger brothers were broken because of love. I sat with Yoongi in silence after many performances and felt his pain for the love he had lost. I gave Namjoon a shoulder to cry on while he missed Ella. It felt like it was never going to end.

Thankfully time passed and brought happiness to my brothers. Namjoon was able to fix his issues with Ella and bring her to Korea to be with him. Yoongi took a little longer but he was able to reencounter that lost love and gained an additional reason to be happy. My little niece Mia was a wonderful surprise for all of us. We loved her from the very beginning and I personally can not imagine our lives without her. Now seeing how happy my brothers are, even the ones that have not decided their love life yet are having a good time. Has made me realize that it's my turn. When I said those words on my birthday live stream I was not expecting for it to find me so soon after.

On one of the few days we had off, Jimin and I had volunteered to help Yoongi Hyung babysit our niece Mia. I was not ready for that task. I think that the 3 of us underestimated the 1 year old ball of energy. Fourteen hour practice days had nothing on 4 hours of Mia's play time. I was exhausted by the time she took her nap and I headed to my room to relax. I had made lunch earlier that day for us but Jimin had wanted to make desert and he stayed in the kitchen. Not long after being in my room I heard the door go off and I knew Ara was back from work. When I walked into the dinning room to greet her I was not expecting for her to bring someone home. I had never stopped breathing just at the sight of a girl. Due to my job I had the pleasure of meeting countless of beautiful girls but none of them compared to the dream girl in front of me. The long black hair with strands that shaped her soft baby face and the flawless white as milk skin that seemed to turn red in seconds were the first things I noticed. She was so small that Jimin towered over her and by Jimin's face he seemed to like that fact.  Once she opened her mouth to speak I felt my manhood stand in attention to her shy quiet voice. When she said my last name I had to control myself. I closed my fist not in anger but in pure uncontrollable pleasure of hearing my name in her mouth. I don't know what happened after but I just remember staring at her unable to look away. When Jimin volunteered us to take her somewhere I thanked the universe for giving me extra time to see her face. I surprised myself with the way I was acting. While I always try to be bright and sunny for some reason I couldn't at this moment. I was serious and quiet even when Jimin was asking the girl a million of question on our way to her destination. All I could do was drive and try to concentrate on the road but I couldn't help looking in the rearview mirror searching her eyes.

ObeyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora