Chapter 13

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Midnight August 18, 2020

"I need to go see my dad" I say pacing around the quiet living room. I haven't been able to sit still since we arrived.

"Your mom said your dad is stable and I told her we will watch over you" Namjoon tells me for a third time. I know he is doing his best to keep the promise he made to my mother but I refuse to listen. After Namjoon got off the phone with my mom he explained that she asked for him to keep an eye on me and not let me go to the hospital. Her excuse was the hospital policy on guest but I know better.I know she doesn't want for me to see my dad that way. Namjoon took her words seriously and once the members were ready to head home they practically made me come with them. I wanted to go to my house but Hobi would not let go of me until I was in the car. They sat me in the middle of Jimin and Tae who took over the duty of watching me to make sure I would not run away. We all came to the shared apartment and Ella, Min and Ara were already here waiting for me.

"Sun there is nothing you can do there. The hospital is only allowing for one person to stay" Ella says approaching me and she is the 10th person that has tried to get close to me since the news. I have been avoiding physical contact from anyone that comes close even though everyone has tried. All I can think about is running until I am out of breath. The only person that has been able to get close is Hobi and not because I let him but because something in me can't refuse his touch.

"Just think about your mom right now and she needs you to be strong for her and you need to listen to her needs. Right now she needs for you to be safe" Jimin says standing up from the couch where all the other guys are sitting. He walks behind Ella and just like her he stands there.  He seems to have the same idea as Ella. They both look like they want to hug and comfort me but they are waiting for the small crack in my tough exterior that will let them in.

"You also need to have some food, the guys told me you haven't had any dinner yet" Ara follows Jimin but she does not wait for me to let her in. She comes around Jimin and Ella that have been standing at an invisible lines. She approaches me as gently as she can and her sweet sad smile calms my beating heart. She starts to move her hand to touch me but I take a step back. I don't want to refuse them but I can't help it. I don't have control over my body tonight. I notice a small glimpse of disappointment in her face but it fades in seconds. She goes back to her smile but this time is full of understanding. "Lets go to the kitchen and I will make you something yummy" she says and for a second she reminds me of my mom when she talks to Jun Jun. The love in her eyes is enough for me to break my stubbornness and follow her to the kitchen. I look up to Jimin and Ella and they do their best to hide their triumphant smile. I don't look at the others but I know they feel the same way. They have all tried in vain to get me to eat something. It took Ara's sweet motherly voice to finally find the small crack.

Once we are in the kitchen I stand by the fridge while I watch Ara make ramen. Yoongi enters the kitchen after us and for a moment I forget everything that happened today as I watch him and Ara. He hugs his girlfriend from the back and nestles his head between her neck and shoulder. She doesn't seem to mind even though she is busy in the stove and he takes a deep breath like he is trying to breathe her in for the hours he was away from her. Yoongi might seem like the less affectionate of the guys most of the time but I have noticed he is never like that when he is around Ara. After he kisses her neck I look away to not intrude in their moment. I hear him ask her to make a bigger batch of ramen since some of the guys are also hungry and I smile for the first time since everything happened.

"There is that sweet smile" I look up to see Hobi at the entrance of the kitchen and I watch as looks from me to Yoongi who is still hugging Ara. By the looks of it Ara will have to cook the whole meal with Yoongi on her back. Hobi smiles probably thinking the same. "Get a room Hyung" he says walking to stand next to me and we both watch as Yoongi grunts but does not move from his position. Hobi chuckles and his laugh is so contagious I cant help but do the same. "Oh I missed that sound" he whispers close to my ear and the proximity makes my heart skip a beat.

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