Chapter 7

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July 1, 2020

Today is the day! I stare at the huge building in front of me and I can't believe I am here. My dance crew has been planning for this day for months and it's finally here. This audition could be the start of something great and this crew deserves it. I have only been part of this group for a few months but I knew they were very well known in the area before I joined them. They have worked with different companies including some in the K-pop industry but this will be their first time auditioning for Big Hit.

I am always nervous when we go on auditions but today is special. I will be in the same building as BTS and I don't know how that will go. No one in my crew knows I have met them before and I don't know how I will react if I see any of the members. I also haven't told Min nor Hae that I had the audition today afraid that they would make a big deal about it since they also work in the building. I am hoping I will make it through the day without catching anyones attention. Is not that I am ashamed of knowing my friends or knowing BTS. I am just afraid of my crew thinking I will get special treatment because of the people I know.

"Before we go in" I hear Nari say approaching the girls and I. "Please make sure there is nothing out of place. First impressions are very important" she says looking at me specifically and I look down unconsciously. The crew always matches their outfits when we are out together and today is no different. All the girls are wearing High waisted straight jeans and different pastel colors cropped t-shirts that are skin tight. Each girl matches one of the guys with the color of the cropped top and it was done on purpose. Nari matches her brother with the pastel pink cropped top and he wears the same color but in a long sleeve t-shirt. "My brother was just notified the boys will be the main focus since they are only looking for male dancers right now." She continues and I feel her stare lift from me and I raise my head. "We will still dance but only at the end. In the mean time we will be sitting on the floor on a corner." She looks back at me and this time her face is full of impatience and something else. "For no reason we are to disturb them or attract attention to us while the guys are auditioning." None of the girls speak and just like we are in sync we bow acknowledging Nari's words.

"If you have any issues with your clothes please let Jae know" JI-Hoon says approaching our group.

I look at Jae and she bows to Ji-Hoon with a smile. I don't know much about Jae but she is probably the only girl in the group who acknowledges my existence. I think is mostly because of how nice she is and she is like that with everyone. She is one of the girl dancer but she has also become the fashion adviser of the group due to her extensive experience. She has a pretty big following on Instagram and her own YouTube channel where she shares her fashion tips and her creative outfits. She has a true talent with fashion and she is also an amazing dancer.

"Yes but just try not to have any issues" Nari says and her face has not changed. It's not helping that I ended up matching with her secret boyfriend Kang.

When Jae gave us the option to pick our colors I let the other girls pick. Obviously Nari picked first when she asked for the pink crop top. Gi and Yari who are Nari's best friends and followers picked next with Gi going for her favorite color which is blue matching Hyun-Wook. From what I have noticed in the few months I have been here. Gi has a huge crush on Hyun-Wook and he seems to like her back. When it was the guys chance to pick at random he picked blue confirming what I thought. Yari went with pastel purple which matches another of the guys Il-sung. Jae picked next and she choose pastel green and I picked the last color left which was white. Jae and I didn't know which guys would pick those colors and when the rest of the guys came in Kang was the first one to pick. He looked at all the girls and noticed which colors we had picked. He went for white to the disappointment and anger of Nari. I don't know why he wouldn't want to match with his girlfriend and honestly I thought it was weird. Ji-hoon our leader picked the pink to match his sister and I think he also noticed that she was upset. Dae-sung which was the last guy left picked the green matching with Jae.

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