12 - The Ties That Bind

Start from the beginning

"Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun." Damon smirked, before he turned to Ariana and his smirk widened as he looked her up and down.
"Unless, you want me to hang out in the back with you?" Ariana seemed too tongue-tied to speak, not knowing how to reply to that. Damon noticed and threw Ariana a cheeky wink. Stefan narrowed his green eyes suspiciously at the two of them.

"What's going on with you two?"

"We kissed." Damon told, leaving both Stefan and Bonnie surprised. "Now, it's weird. Have a great trip."

He left, bringing Stefan along with him.


Ariana and Bonnie were driving to Bonnie's mom.

"I just can't believe that I'm actually going to see her. Or meet her. Sort of. Since I don't really remember her." Bonnie spoke.

"You don't really talk about her." Ariana muttered.

"What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called. Not even when my Grams died." Bonnie mentioned. "Could we talk about you and Damon instead?"

"He kissed me. It's not gonna happen again." Ariana admitted quietly, looking down. Bonnie definitely wasn't satisfied with Ariana's answer, so she pressed on.

"I mean... was it good?"

"I don't know what to say, Bonnie."

"That means it was." Bonnie smirked. Her phone suddenly rang. "Oh... it's Elena. I told her I'd call her as soon as I got the address. I am driving, so... do you mind?"

"Fine." Ariana groaned, grabbing Bonnie's phone and answering the call. "What?"

"Where are you, A?"

Ariana tried not to smile when she heard Elena use that nickname. She'd missed it...

"Bonnie and I are gonna spend the night at the lake house, while we wait for Sheriff Forbes to give us more addresses."

"You're kidding me, right?"

"No, E, I'm not. We need a night off from yours and Nathan's insanity."

"Klaus is getting antsy. He knows that Nate and I are stalling. We need to move faster."

"Well, we're doing everything we can."

"Whatever you say..." Elena hung up.


Ariana and Bonnie were arriving at Abby's house.

"Cute house." Ariana commented.

"Yeah, in the middle of nowhere." Bonnie scoffed. They both got out of the car and rang the doorbell. A teenage boy came up the stairs beside them.

"Hey, there."

"Hey." Ariana greeted him. "We're looking for, um, Abby Wilson."

"She's not home. There anything I can do for you?" The boy asked.

"It's okay, we can come back." Bonnie started to walk away, but Elena grabbed her arm and ushered her back.

"I'm sorry, but you look so familiar." The boy muttered to Bonnie, who slowly nodded.

"Ehm, Abby is my mom."

"Oh... I'm Jamie." The boy, Jamie, introduced himself. "You guys wanna come inside? Right this way." They headed inside the kitchen. "You guys sure you don't want anything? We got fresh OJ, coconut water, some mango guava something."

"Water is fine." Bonnie said. "So, are we... like, related?"

"Oh, nah. Abby's not my mom." Jamie replied. "She dated my old man back in the day. He's kind of a deadbeat, so when they broke up, she took me in. Put me through school. Didn't freak out when I totalled her car. Twice."

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