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(Author's pov)..

Its been one month since battle but now everything was fine and utterly peaceful,7 Marvel's were happy, "Academy for Supernaturals" is now focusing on rookie Supernaturals'giving them classes boosting there confidence,not only dean but 6 Marvel's except taehyung were also teaching other Supernaturals'..

Taehyung was happy to see his close one's smiling,but does he himself is happy? how much he try to convince himself that not having superpower isn't bothering him,but still his heart is telling him that he didn't belongs to Academy now,he is stealing the spot of some other deserving Supernatural..

The group of 7 were having there lunch peacefully inside cafeteria, while talking and smiling, taehyung himself is giving fake smile pretending to be happy nd joining others in there conversation..

Until now whole Academy knows that taehyung had lost all his power's,but other Supernaturals' weren't very much bother,some were respecting taehyung and some are doesn't giving two shit about this,but people like jia are from another world,wanna know why??

Oh look 6 Supernaturals' are protecting a loser, aren't he the one who was so proud of himself,but now what happened taehyung,where are your power's now?.(jia spoke evil'ly..

That's none of your concern jia ,shut your mouth and get lost from here!.(jungkook replied in behalf of taehyung..

Why huh why would i Leave nd why the hell will i shut my mouth,i am speaking nothing but truth',what do you guys say, isn't this useless taehyung is snatching the place of a deserving Supernatural, shouldn't he be out of this Academy now when he doesn't have any power's?.(jia asked to others loudly..

Yes yes jia is right,he should be out,he doesn't deserves to be here..!(some Supernaturals' utter..

Stop with ur shits bitch..!(jimin spoke gritting his teeth..

Why is truth' really bitter?.(jia smirked..

And jungkookie what are you still doing with this faggot,he doesn't deserves you,he is nothing but a burden on your shoulder mark my words,u have to protect this loser everytime, instead of focusing in Academy.!(jia spill venom..

You bitch, leave us alone,i m happy to take his responsibilities, you are no-one to talk like that about my baby..!(jungkook spoke..

Taehyung who was quite all this time listening to others talking shits about him, but enough is enough,he was tired of listening all this,he doesn't know what happened to him, other were still talking but becoming furious taehyung slammed his hand harshly on table then spoke..

ENOUGH..!(taehyung yelled loudly, every one becomes shocked , cause taehyung eye's were glowing purple again, that purple glow was back..

Taehyung also become shocked ,but suddenly everything went silent ,cause "goddess of immortality " was standing infront of them..

My child..!(goddess said ever so calmly..

Godd es ss, how? I mean my power's.!(taehyung spoke confuse..

Yes my dear child your powers are back, how can i keep someone else's treasure with me this long,this power's belongs to you my child,i was just testing you, i was testing your love and you passed that test, keep your powers with you taehyung world needs people like you, who can use their power's for right cause,you really are special my child,you guys set me free, you didn't asked anything in return, jungkook sacrificed his life for you,and you sacrificed your identity for your love, what else i need when people like you are still in this world, stay happy and blessed my childs , don't hesitate ever to ask for my help in future..!(saying this goddess vanished while smiling when taehyung thanked him,..

Just when goddess left from there 7 Marvel's group hugged eachothers..

Why why everyone are against me and favouring him..!(jia spoke accepting her defeat once again..

Because you are not Kim Taehyung..!(jin spoked..

Yes you are right,i am sorry taehyung for whatever i did, from now Kim Jia won't bother you..!(saying this jia went away..

I Forgive you jia.!(taehyung mumbled smiling..


Like this Supernaturals' completed there first year in college, Taehyung a "Sass queen" found his love in jungkook and jungkook a "Cold hulk" found his peace in taehyung..

It was there holiday's taekook were peacefully sitting on terrace, taehyung have his head on jungkook's shoulder and jungkook have his head on taehyung's head..

We have come so far love,but jt wouldn't have been possible,if you weren't with me..!(jungkook spoke lovingly..

Yes we are seniors now koo,nd i every day thank god for sending you in my life..!(taehyung replied back..

Baby i wanna spend rest of my life with you..!(jungkook said to taehyung..

I will love to grow old with you..!(taehyung said back..

ILOVEYOUSOOMUCH my Sass queen..(jungkook confessed..

ILOVEYOUSOOMUCH my cold Hulk'..(taehyung confessed back..


So this was the beautiful story of Taehyung and Jungkook who along with there friends started their journey to become a Supernatural,..

There journey was a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs,love and hate,magic and demon's,but fighting all this they continued their journey and why wouldn't they, after all they all belongs to...




One more book of mine come to an end, last chapter Lovelies do vote comment and read..

Until i see you guys in my new story "LOVE HEALS 💘"..

Love Saddy 💜

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