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(Author's pov)..

It's been three days since everything become normal between taehyung and Jungkook,cause jungkook really fulfilled his promise, he spent most of his time with taehyung, loving him, complimenting him, pampering him, Taehyung was happy really happy,but saying is happiness doesn't last long, some evil people's always have there eye's on other's happiness..


Currently everyone was inside the classroom, except taehyung and soyung, taehyung was late cause he wanted to pee,as for soyung nobody knows why she was late..

Where is my baby,dean will come anytime and then he will scold my baby!.(jungkook thought while pouting..

(On the other hand)..

Taehyung after finishing his business in washroom was going towards his way to classroom, but soyung stopped him in middle of hallway coming infront of him..

You don't deserve jungkook,leave him alone!.(soyung said to taehyung voice full with disgust..

Oh really and who are you to decide that?.(taehyung asked..

I am jungkook's friend and well-wisher, I know what's best for him,and i can surely say you are nothing but just a stubborn kid being burden on jungkook!.(soyung spoke with hatred..

You are his friend,i mean when ,where,how? Did he said to you that u r his friend or did he gave you right to meddle between our personal relation?.(taehyung questioned to her..

Ofcourse i am his friend ,nd let me tell you he is more happy ,when he is with me,i barely see him smiling when he is with you!.(soyung exclaimed,her word's really hurt taehyung, but duh our taehyung is jungkook's Sass queen..

Yeah u r right he doesn't smile when he is with me,cause he laugh wholeheartedly in my prescene,i suggest you too wear optical and then see how happy we are together!.(taehyung spoke sassily, leaving soyung lost of word's..

You bitch, stay away from my jungkook!!(soyung spoke fuming in anger..

Hahahaha,oh my god please, hahahaha , your jungkook ,when did this happen?, soyung u really are funny, last time i know 10 minutes ago jungkook was sucking my lips off like a hungry child and babe's do you forgot Jungkook is only Taesexual!.(taehyung spoke confidently raising his brows..

You fag,you are good for nothing, wait and watch soon jungkook will be mine and u will be left alone crying in corner!.(soyung spoke gritting her teeth..

Come out of your imagination gurl, that's not a good place to live,i pity you soyung,u r losing precious moments of your life ,because u r busy in destroying others happiness,nd let me tell you one thing i am not like those prick of yours who easily back off,i might look innocent, hell i am innocent but not a fool,i can see what u r upto,but step back before you dig your own grave, Jungkook is mine only mine and i can do anything for him,can die and if needed can kill too!.(taehyung replied with stern expression on his face and then left from there towards his class..

Dude he can be scary too,but you don't really know me taehyung,hell you didn't even know my real intention for coming in this Academy,you definitely will be heartbroken Taehyung and I can't wait to see that!.(soyung spoke to herself when taehyung left from there..


(Inside Cafeteria)..

7 Marvel's were having there lunch after attending extra classes, everyone was seated ,except taehyung again, cause he was buying banana milk for his koo...

After buying banana milk taehyung was walking back to his seat and from the other side soyung was coming towards where Marvel's were sitting..

Taehyung was about to sit beside jungkook but soyung was fast enough to snatch that chair from taehyung, settling herself on that chair, cause there were no more chair except 7..

Awwww i m sorry taehyung but for now can you please go nd sit on that chair,as you see i already settled myself here!.(soyung spoke smirking while pointing at single chair on very corner..

No-one spoke anything ,cause each 7 Marvel's were shocked seeing soyung behaviour towards taehyung and this time jungkook also noticed her..

Having no other option taehyung was about to go feeling disheartened,but a hand stop him grabbing his wrist..

And where do you think you are going my love?.(jungkook asked taehyung..

Where else on that chair to sit,as chair beside you is already occupied!!(taehyung spoke sadly, and soyung smirked seeing she got successfull in making taehyung sad, but oh so sad how wrong poor soyung was,cause next action which jungkook does spoilt her mood..

Who said you need another chair,when you already have most comfortable one here my baby!(jungkook spoke lovingly after making taehyung sit on his lap..

You are the best koo,I Love you!(taehyung said lovingly..

And you are the bestest my love,I love you with all i have!.(jungkook replied back and forgetting everyone around them,he smashed his lips on taehyung's who gladly returned it while smiling, leaving other's shocked and soyung with red eyes full of jealousy and hatred..

To be continued...


Hey Lovelies new chapter is up,, read and if read then vote and if vote then comment too, please forgive my mistakes..

Thank you so much, thanks alot , thanks my every readers for giving my book more than 4K+ reads Thankful to you all🙏🙏🙏..

Double update today💜💜..

Love Saddy 💜

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