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In love with this pic💜💜💜💜💜

(Mature content ahead if uncomfortable skip)...

(Author's pov)..

Go get a room you too,stop sucking eachothers faces infront of us!.(yoongi scoffed bringing taekook out from there Fantasyland..

Why are you jealous,go and suck jimin's face ,we aren't stopping you!.(jungkook replied finaly coming back to his usual self..

Look, how he fucking change in 10 minutes,before he was literary on his knees, asking us to help him,is he the same person!!(yoongi uttered..

Dude he got what he want,u r the one keeping high expectations, afterall its jeon jungkook we are talking about,!(hobi spoke patting yoongi's back..

Leave it guy's, taehyung and Jungkook i guess you both should stay in jungkook's dorm for tonight u both need sometime alone,as for us we will adjust in our dorm!!(jin spoke making jungkook smile widely..

Thanks jin i appreciate it,ok guys see you tomorrow!!(without wasting anytime jungkook picked taehyung up, hurriedly walking towards his dorm, he didn't even waited for other's to reply..

He is behaving like lovesick puppy!!(yoongi spoke again..

He isn't behaving,he is lovesick puppy for his tae only!..(jimin replied


(Jungkook's dorm)..

After reaching his dorm, jungkook hurriedly open the door,and slam taehyung on the door not so harshly,but duh he kissed taehyung really hard pouring all his, feelings, wants and love in that kiss,and in reply taehyung kissed him with equal passion, opening his mouth for Jungkook, they both were Fully making out, sucking at eachothers tounge, biting one another's lips, roaming there tounge all over inside other's mouth..

After 10 minutes of make-out session they stopped, cause they need oxygen,yep that's necessary,but after few seconds they started once again, but this time jungkook picked taehyung up and throw him on his bed rather gently, launching himself above taehyung..

Can i!!(koo asked for taehyung's consent before removing tae's shirt,which taehyung permitted..

You don't need to ask koo,i am yours, my body,my heart,my soul everything is yours!!(taehyung replied eyes full with passion and love..

In no time there clothes were off,they both were lying naked on bed, jungkook hovering over taehyung , marking him as his..

Ahhh koooo ummmm more!(taehyung moan shamelessly while jungkook leave hickey on his whole body..

After his assault on taehyung's neck, jungkook next target was his lover pink nubs and soft breast..

While eyeing taehyung breast,kook licked his lips diving onto one of them..

Jungkook harshly suck on taehyung's nubs, biting them, flattening his tounge on tae's nub, earning a loud moan from taehyung..

Ahhhhhh fck, ahhhhhh kooo mmmmmmm!(taehyung moaned encouraging jungkook to love him more..

After few minutes more of eating taehyung's breasts jungkook stopped,just to prepare taehyung for something bigger and better..

On the other hand poor taehyung was already crying and whimpering from the pleasure his love was providing him..

After fingering taehyung for few minutes , jungkook finally entered inside taehyung in one go..

AHHHHHH K K OOO !(taehyung moaned ever so loudly cause jungkook was like a beast today..

I m sorry , so sorry love,i was so excited,did i hurt you!!(jungkook ask stoping his moment for a while..

No no, j ju st, c con ti nue!!(taehyung spoked while huffing,not wanting jungkook to stop even for a minute,and kook earning green signal from taehyung started to ram inside him fastly..

Yes yes yes,koooo f faster more, ahhhhhh mmmmmm!(taehyung moaned while jungkook continued to thrust inside him..

After 25 minutes, taehyung told Jungkook he was coming,to which jungkook ask taehyung to wait for few minutes more..

C come with me love!!(after thrusting inside taehyung for 5 minutes, jungkook came inside condom and taehyung on his stomach..

I Love you!(jungkook spoke kissing taehyung's forehead..

I Love you!(taehyung replied kissing jungkook naked chest..


(Time skip)..

Only one day was left for battle, everything was fine, taehyung to joined the classes back after his friends and jungkook forced him,and after there love making session, taekook cleared everything between them, taehyung spoke about his insecurities to Jungkook,and he also told him that he doesn't like that soyung girl,so after that jungkook completely stopped talking to soyung for his baby happiness..

No it's not like soyung didn't tried,she tried desperately, but jungkook ignored her presence..

After excepting her defeat, soyung stopped trying cause all the efforts of attracting jungkook towards her ,were going in vain..

But as for now soyung is not the main problem,it was battle which is tomorrow,many things will change, some-one is going to be devastated ,lost, soulless and heartbroken after this battle,dark clouds carrying a strong strom with themselves were getting closer to 7 Marvel's,will they succeed,or will they lose,time will tell,but someone is going to lose something really precious in tomorrow's battle..

To be continued....


Thanks alot lovelies for giving my book more 5K+ reads i am grateful, double update today (maybe🤔🤔🤔) but for now enjoy this chapter,vote and comment please..

Who do you think is going to be heartbroken and will lose something precious???

Love Saddy 💜

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